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Is Anything Being Done About Hackers?

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Simply just asking a question. I know or at least want to believe that something is being done about it. However until I hear from an official source something along the lines of "This is what we are doing to combat the recent overflow of cheating/hacking and this is when you can expect to see a change." This is a great game and unfortunately it is ruined about every 15-30 minutes. I would hate to see it fall to something as stupid as hacks. I have been thunderdomed, blown up, instantly killed by ways unknown. I have seen parachuting cows and players that have been shot with all 20 rounds at point blank range from an FN-FAL and laugh saying "nice try."

Tried searching the forums, all I could find is REPORT after REPORT of players hacking. Never have I found something official stating anything along the lines of we are aware and this is what were doing. Honestly I probably only have 3 or so weeks left playing this game unless something is going to be done about this.

Insert all your excuses and "THE GAME IS IN ALPHA" below they wont be read.

Here is the link to the recorded video of what broke the straw on the camels back.


Skip to about 51:00 and you can see, shortly there after my room mate who you can see in the background playing re spawned in with a Silenced M4, Night vision, Rangefinder, Ghillesuit, GPS, Map, ETC.

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As has been explained many many times, not much can be done until standalone since arma was designed to allow scripting.

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As has been explained many many times, not much can be done until standalone since arma was designed to allow scripting.

I refuse to believe this.

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battle eye has banned 12k and i have been banning about 15 from my server every day for the past 3 weeks... battleeye is shit so i have had to take things into my own hands and its basically banning anyone with a as50 or a m4a sd

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battle eye has banned 12k and i have been banning about 15 from my server every day for the past 3 weeks... battleeye is shit so i have had to take things into my own hands and its basically banning anyone with a as50 or a m4a sd

That doesn't make sense! I have had both those weapons from heli crash sites, so if I play on your server you are going to ban me?

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Our 3 man party just blasted to hell by a automatic nadelaucher and i'm starting to play this less and less due to this, awesome game to bad people have to ruin it.

Edited by Zabbat
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battle eye has banned 12k and i have been banning about 15 from my server every day for the past 3 weeks... battleeye is shit so i have had to take things into my own hands and its basically banning anyone with a as50 or a m4a sd

That doesn't make sense! I have had both those weapons from heli crash sites, so if I play on your server you are going to ban me?

So let me get this straight. You are banning people off the weapons that they have? How is this even fair in the slightest towards the player that has actually came across a jewel. That is what the game is all about is surviving and finding good loot.

Also is there a rule about banning on servers? Something along the lines of Racism is the only bannable offense? Believe me if this was something that buying my own server would fix I would. Also I would password lock it if it were so allowed. Unfortunately my server would be blacklisted from the cloud of DayZ

Edited by Spitfir3

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Like said above , has been posted many times that

As has been explained many many times, not much can be done until standalone since arma was designed to allow scripting.


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Like said above , has been posted many times that


Then give me a link from an official source and I will forever hold my peace to the DayZ forums. If I have too Ill purchase a C++ for dummies and start learning how to script just to level the playing field if need be but let me here it from Rocket himself. That HIS mod is losing players on a regular basis because "There is no solution to the hacking because ARMA was designed to allow scripting." I guarantee that the stand alone DayZ will have just as many problems with hacking if Battleeye has anything to do with it. Which I would imagine it will be running off of the same engine seeing as how Bohemia has decided to pitch in per PC Gamers latest add regarding DayZ

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That's unfortunate.

Because its the truth.

Then post the link to the official source.

Edited by Spitfir3

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It's one of these things where it's we either play and just accept that this is how we will die from now on, or we just have to step away. I love this mod more than anything out right now, but it just isn't worth the time currently to invest in long term play. Honestly, at this point the only reason to even bother loging in is to find bugs in each updated patch and report. Gone are the days of getting involved any more than this.

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Then give me a link from an official source and I will forever hold my peace to the DayZ forums. If I have too Ill purchase a C++ for dummies and start learning how to script just to level the playing field if need be but let me here it from Rocket himself. That HIS mod is losing players on a regular basis because "There is no solution to the hacking because ARMA was designed to allow scripting." I guarantee that the stand alone DayZ will have just as many problems with hacking if Battleeye has anything to do with it. Which I would imagine it will be running off of the same engine seeing as how Bohemia has decided to pitch in per PC Gamers latest add regarding DayZ

I feel ya rage man, but take solace in the fact that the Dayz standalone will have a locked down script to not allow modding of the original source code and will have a seperate engine on it's own away from arma 3 (modified).

Edited by tuleg1t

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Maybe you should have a good look around.

There hasn't been an official post from Rocket.

He hasnt actually touched this issue at all.

But Arma has always been designed like this.

Fuck man, I can't be bothered explaining it for the 300th time.

Search "Hackers - What you need to know" - it should be in cheat reporting.

That's all the information there is on this topic, almost.

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He talked about it in the last machinima interview and also in the reddit ask me anything, it's the top priority for standalone, unfortunately they can't do much do stop it in the mod

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Maybe you should have a good look around.

There hasn't been an official post from Rocket.

He hasnt actually touched this issue at all.

But Arma has always been designed like this.

Fuck man, I can't be bothered explaining it for the 300th time.

Search "Hackers - What you need to know" - it should be in cheat reporting.

That's all the information there is on this topic, almost.

You can't be bothered? Then don't post. Read and move on. Thanks for the input. Sorry that you wasted your time posting in something that you obviously felt so compelled to contribute to.

Also I did search and what came up was EVERY REPORT of EVERY PERSON/SERVER that had illegal game hacks going on.

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Maybe you should have a good look around.

There hasn't been an official post from Rocket.

He hasnt actually touched this issue at all.

WRONG!​ Rocket has given many intervews on video explaining why script insertion is a problem.

PS: Shit post is shit! OP, you suck! You're not the first to have problems with cheats so what makes you so fucking special to make yet another to stink up the forums?

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No but those 2 weapons raise suspicion there is alot of other factors but those 2 weapons are known spawned hacker items. if you dont run a server you wont understand. Sure dayz have banable rules but for 99% of server admins we will ban someone if they are hacking and not wait for battleye to catch up.

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Are you a knarky little woman.

Don't get your panties in a knot.

I wrote a fucking thesis on this subject and it got removed.

Not coming back either by the looks of it.

I apologise that myself, along with other forum regulars have responded to 200+ of these topics.

I'm sorry that you posted another one, another one that's the exact same as all the other ones.

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I currently have an AS50 and I didn't hack it. If you're banning people on that premise your server should be shut down.

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The stand alone will come with battlebalss. Cause you don't need eyes but balls to wipe the hackers hard discs..

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Are you a knarky little woman.

Don't get your panties in a knot.

I wrote a fucking thesis on this subject and it got removed.

Not coming back either by the looks of it.

I apologise that myself, along with other forum regulars have responded to 200+ of these topics.

I'm sorry that you posted another one, another one that's the exact same as all the other ones.

What is with the hostility? I simply asked a question and the world of anonymous internet aliases blows up into a frenzy over who has the bigger epeen.

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There is a new way of scipt detection that BI has integrated. If you are a server admin you SHOULD know about it.

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