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blockhead (DayZ)

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It it just me or have the forums become a bicker/whinge fest lately?...

There's less constructive discussion and more and more pointless foot stamping tantrums of "I don't like that, give me something different NOW!" or "Whaaaaaa! I want be able to play it in a way it's not even designed for!!".

Honestly I skirt over so many posts lately and instantly stop reading the thread once it becomes a slagging match.

For a mod as groundbreaking as this (yup, I think it's groundbreaking as methods of playing DayZ are nothing like the methods of any other game I've played) I'd expect a hive of activity with regards to constructive discussions on experiences and development.

Now don't get me wrong... those posts exist. It just seems they're getting lost between all the crap.

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The excessive whinging about bandits and banditry is starting to get to me too. I wish people who aren't satisfied with the direction the mod is taking would just leave and go play something else.

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It's bound to happen, everyone is basically new here and there is a lot of ideology, age and culture clashes taking place. After a while when people have acclimatized to each other a bit more it should all level itself out.

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I just -rep the fags people that write whole fucking books on their opinion like they're the king of the universe

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I guess the more people join this mod, the more opinions you get, and the bigger the chance is that people start whining or arguing. I've seen it on other games/forums as well.

The only way to counter that is by having quite a large and trustable moderation team, or making sure that before one can sign up, they have to fill in some sort of test to prove they are not whiners/idiots but people who actually want to be here with a reason.

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I've seen it on all other games/forums as well.

Fixed that for you :P

But yea, there's a lot of crying about everything. I'm sure it will eventually go away by it self as those people get tired of crying and go hop on whatever next bandwagon game/mod that comes along.

I'm just glad rocket seems to ignore the loud minority that often ruin games.

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The excessive whinging about bandits and banditry is starting to get to me too. I wish people who aren't satisfied with the direction the mod is taking would just leave and go play something else.

Someone, I don't remember who, once uttered a wise statement that paraphrased goes something like this: "If the other team is complaining about what you do, you're doing something right."

Basically, there's been (last count) 1,344,133 player deaths. Out of these, 346,265 (or 25.8%) have been to other players. 220,680 (or 16.4%) of the player deaths have been murders (as opposed to bandit kills).

Out of 101,407 alive characters, 12,857 (or 12.7%) are bandits.

The only conclusions I can draw is that zombies are much better at killing survivors than bandits are, and that the huge majority of the players are nice people who ask first and shoot later.


Number-Marshal Palli 'Statistics' Treponema

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