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[German/English] DayZ Server Hosting - ZAP-Hosting.com (starting at 19,60€ - 40 Slots)

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/** German / Deutsch **/

Bereits ab 0,49 € / Slot - DayZ dedicated Gameserver!

ZAP-Hosting.com :: IF YOU WANT MORE POWER ::

Innerhalb von 6 Stunden nach Bezahlung online

Location: Germany, Frankfurt am Main (F.a.M.)

DayZ Server Features:

• Inklusive Mission File / License ID

• 99,9% uptime

• Zeiteinstellung bei Serverstart

• Laggfrei durch 1000 Mbit/s shared & Intel i7-2600 Systeme mit 32 GB DDR3 Ram

Webinterface Features:

• Vollzugriff per Webinterface

• Voller FTP Zugriff auf alle Serverdateien

• automatisierte Restartplanung

• automatisierte Backuperstellung

• Subusersystem: Unlimitiert viele Subaccounts anlegbar. Rechte frei editierbar

Support 24/7:

Live Chat

• Telephone (+49 (0) 2582 389 289 0)

• TeamSpeak 3


Ticket System


• PaySafeCard

• Call2Pay

• PayPal

• Lastschrift

• Sofortüberweisung

• Standardüberweisung

::: Demologin am Ende der Seite :::


/** English / english **/

Starting at 0,49 € / slot - DayZ dedicated game servers!

ZAP-Hosting.com :: IF YOU WANT MORE POWER ::

Online within 6hours after payment!

Location: Germany, Frankfurt am Main (F.a.M.)

DayZ server features:

• Includes Mission File / License ID

• 99.9% uptime

• Set servertime at server startup

• Laggfree trough 1000 Mbit / s shared & Intel i7-2600 systems with 32 GB DDR3 RAM

Web Interface Features:

• Full access via web interface

• Full FTP access to all server files

• automatic restart sheduling

• Automated backup creation and restore

• Subusersystem: unlimited number of subaccounts can be applied. Rights can be edited freely

Support 24/7:

Live Chat

• Telephone (+49 (0) 2582 389 289 0)

• TeamSpeak 3


Ticket System

payment methods

• Paysafecard

• Call2Pay

• PayPal

• Direct Debit

• Immediately transfer

• standard transfer

Login ::: Demologin at bottom of that page :::

Demo Server:

Edited by corexx2
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17 Uhr bestellt, 17.15 Uhr bezahlt 17:30 online. Webinterface 10/10 Sternen, top! Performance 10/10 Sternen, top!

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Any english version of website? I no understand the text

actually not, sorry.

There are some browser plugins to translate the website.

Our support speaks english, german and a little bit french too.

In 2-4 month we get a grand new prepaid system with german, dutch, english and french support ;-)

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ordered a 40-slot server here payed at 11pm (UTC+2) contacted live-support (they actually have one unlike Vilayer and Host-Altitude who pretend to have one) they said it should be up tomorrow during the day.

that's acceptable to me when you order at 11 pm (germany in same timezone as me)

Just hope it's thru. I'll keep you guys posted.

Auftragsnummer: BN12.000153

Edited by Neo1337

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reason, because you didn't get the server instant:

the "-ip" parameter of the dayz startcommand doesn't run (dayzmod bug). We have many licenses for different ip-addresses. Now we saw, that we can't install dayz servers with differenz ips on one node ...

So today we will install 10 new dedicated systems with only one ip-address per system to use our licenses.

btw ;) We're working 24/7 our office and datacenter rooms are taken all arround the clock.

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Tried hosting a DayZ server with these guys. Now 2 days later still no working DayZ server. It has been up once and a while but noone can join and stays stuck at loading myself including. The webinterface for my first server stopped working after 2 hours (Result Timeout). Then they reinstalled my gameserver (that took 9 hours to do).

Upon my request to install they said they were not allowed to do so and I should do it myself thru FTP... I have FTP experience since i'm a webdesigner but after trying to install the FTP went down due to a database JSON error on their part (basically faulty coding).

In short I've now asked a refund and waiting on an answer.

Edited by Neo1337

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how about if you would pre configure the servers with BEC installed and make it possible to have ANNOUNCED, SCHEDULED server restarts?

announced, sheduled server restarts are already a function of our webinterface ;-)

But we will add BEC for "OneClick Install" to "Mods/Plugins" in our webinterface tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Thanks for your suggestion, looking forward for more!

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Tried hosting a DayZ server with these guys. Now 2 days later still no working DayZ server. It has been up once and a while but noone can join and stays stuck at loading myself including. The webinterface for my first server stopped working after 2 hours (Result Timeout). Then they reinstalled my gameserver (that took 9 hours to do).

Upon my request to install they said they were not allowed to do so and I should do it myself thru FTP... I have FTP experience since i'm a webdesigner but after trying to install the FTP went down due to a database JSON error on their part (basically faulty coding).

In short I've now asked a refund and waiting on an answer.

My initial refund request was DENIED they said (after 2 days) I passed the term for refund and I should read the german law...

Well actually I did some reading, not the german law because im not german so I don't answer to the german law when I'm not in germany. I read the EUROPEAN law in regards to online purchases since my country (Belgium) and Germany are a part of Europe.

Link: http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/online-shopping/returning-unwanted-goods/index_en.htm


In the EU, you have the right to cancel your online purchase within seven working days.

This seven-day “cooling off” period begins on the day when you receive your purchase.

You can choose to cancel your order for any reason within this timeframe – even if you simply changed your mind.

The seller must give you a refund within 30 days. This refund must include any shipping charges you paid when you made your purchase.

This applies whenever you buy goods outside a shop (for example by phone, fax, or mail order, as well as on the internet).


So I filled a new ticket to get my refund. Ticket is #38053. Let's hope these are honest people and abide the law.

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Ok so you probably read my posts above. Basically they delivered a server where me and my friends can't join because we keep getting stuck on loading, when we then join our Vilayer server with we spawn at coast each time we tried this ZAP server. They refuse to downgrade to and say you have to find server files yourself and use FTP (tried it but doesn't work).

Asked refund twice and this is there second response.

We won't refund any money.

You don't have a refund law, because it is not a physical product.

If you don't agree with our paragraph, please call a lawyer.

Herzliche Grüße,

Marvin Kluck


Viele nützliche Informationen und Anleitungen finden Sie hier:


Mit freundlichem Gruß

Ihr www.Zap-Hosting.com Support Team

Fax: (+49) (0)2582 / 389 289 1

Telefon: (+49) (0)2582 / 389 289 0

E-Mail: [email protected]

Edited by Neo1337

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they finally added a downgrade for

After four days e-mailing back and forth I finally was able to get on my new server without problems.

I asked compensation for the four lost days, let's see what they answer.

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I've written a mail to their contact about the possibility of having a server with it's own database (private) about 3 or 4 days ago but have not received an answer yet. so is it possible??

Edited by aenima

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I've written a mail to their contact about the possibility of having a server with it's own database (private) about 3 or 4 days ago but have not received an answer yet. so is it possible??

we already answered your e-mail, please check your spamfilter.

It is possible, because you have full access to the ftp server - you could change all serverfiles.

@Scavenger: there is no claim of a refund, because we did not offer a downgrade to

You had the possibility, to upload the server files via FTP to your server. But now, we add the downgrade as onclick install to "Mods/Plugin".


I hope we clarified our argue. Your playtime begins today and we add the downgrade. So you did not pay for the last days, even you have no claim, that we offer a downgrade to - but we give in and did it!

Edited by corexx2

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ok thank you very much,but I haven't received a mail neither it's in my spam filter (gmx).. but no problem, now I have the info I needed most. bec is possible also.. very good!

we already have a server, but the lack of control like not able to change the version to and no BEC.. it's all against keeping it longer than the month we've already paid

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ok thank you very much,but I haven't received a mail neither it's in my spam filter (gmx).. but no problem, now I have the info I needed most. bec is possible also.. very good!

we already have a server, but the lack of control like not able to change the version to and no BEC.. it's all against keeping it longer than the month we've already paid

many provider actually do not give ftp access - but we do it ;)

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Got a Server from Zap-Hosting, dont know if its their fault or the fault of the Hive, but Tents and Vehicles wont save on my Server.

I asked the Zap-Hosting Support if its possible to downgrade to another Version so it gets fixed (many people in this forums said so), but they just said "nope".

Now im paying for a Server we cant play on, because every progress we make wont get saved. Yay!

Edited by Ponzo

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many provider actually do not give ftp access - but we do it ;)

Hmm, i know at least three other hosters who are providing ftp too and two of them are also german hosters.

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@ponzo: it's probably a problem with or the hive or a combination of both. look at the forum.

and there's an option in the plugin/addon menu for 1724. though it didn't work, i got the same probs as the user on the 1st page. the webinterface downgrade did not work properly (server stuck in creating, no one can connect. filesize not the correct ones for 1724. trying fresh game-install via webinterface led to a stuck process and JSON ftp error, when trying to connect to it). waiting for more than 24 hours for support now. let's see how long it takes.

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I hope we clarified our argue. Your playtime begins today and we add the downgrade. So you did not pay for the last days, even you have no claim, that we offer a downgrade to - but we give in and did it!

Hi, didn't check forums, e-mail or tickets for days so I just read your ticket. So yeah I got exactly what I wanted and am very thankfull.

I removed the red text like you asked in your ticket. I'm glad we could resolve our issue :thumbsup: :rolleyes:

Edited by Neo1337

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