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Rick (DayZ)

LU167 - Admins ban our team after finding they camp (with the evidence)

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We play on the LU167, find the admins camp , with the chopper and lot of guns and ammo. My friend jump to the chopper and kill these guys via machine gun. After this admins restart the server. We login again (love piloting the choppers... and love flight) and after this they kicked us (all of us - one by one, almost all team) and banned us on this server.

I fully understand. It's a offensively. Epic sucks. Two admins killed by one man, from their chopper, from their guns. But is no reason for a ban after player kills. I call it - admins shit and abuse of power.

We are players, not a cheaters.

Sorry for hot words, but i really hate weaklings, who love to use the cheats and abuse of power for punish those who play them better.

Thanks suckers from LU167. Play in your sandboxes more.




(On first screen you can see - my friend call me and told - "we find the big camp". I'm log in, and log in another one of my friend after me, he stay in the loby... and banned. I'm loading - enter in game... and... boom, i'm banned? Why? Because one guys shot the wrong guy?

Tell me about reason on the ban in the lobby? Admins read the bad thought in head of my friend? Don't kidding me).


It's nicknames of thiese admins. Guys who banned me and my friend.


If I see one more this guys - i do not waste time on the thinks. Do shots. This is not a good gamers, just assholes. And... absolutely sure... suckers. Worse than cheaters only asshole with administrator rights.

[FALL] Rick - with the best regards.

Edited by Rick
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Time for a satchel bomb

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Rick, прежде чем плакаться, научись сначала по-английски писать грамотно.

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Rick, прежде чем плакаться, научись сначала по-английски писать грамотно.

Thanks for refreshing old theme)

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