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Xilver (DayZ)

Can there be multiple helicopters on the server?

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Crossposting from the server's forum:

I was minding my own business, sneaking Into Cherno to look for food. I heard a helicopter pass overhead a couple of times, so I stayed hidden, which isn't that hard with the Ghillie suit I found a couple of days ago. When I was in a house, I heard a loud bang outside and saw a bright flash. Going outside I saw a helicopter ablaze, attracting a shitload of zeds. The helicopter exploded a couple of times more, so I waited until the explosions were over, and the zombies passed, before sneaking closer to the heli. I think I saw one body, but I could be mistaken because I was scared shitless, and just took whatever I could from the dead body, before running off into the woods. I got some NV goggles, an M4A1, a Czech backpack with a DMR inside, and a GPS.

Now, while running, I heard another helicopter in the vicinity. It passed overhead a couple of times, thinking they were looking for me since I looted that corpse. The helicopter's light missed me by a couple of meters each time it passed, so I guess I got lucky. Now I'm relatively new to DayZ, but I seem to recall that there could only be one helicopter on a server at any given time, unless one was spawned? In any case, even if it's not legit, I had one of the most exciting DayZ nights in a while, so that's awesome :)

Edited by Xilver

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Two helicopters are possible, or so I hear.

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Yeah, just one per server. Although, my buddies got in a pretty fun chopper battle the other day with a hacker. To bad he had no piloting skills.

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Meh, the standalone version can't come fast enough. I want to play this game the way it was meant to be played, without script kiddies and people spawning their stuff instead of legitimately raiding cities.

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there are at least 2 i know for a fact have restarted my server and went to where they spawn and there have been 2 at the same time no one else on but me so it is possible just have to know where to look

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