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Dayz = PvP

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Example from "The Walking Dead" tv series: I am sure that the army guys which were killed by the governor also cried about that damn pvp. Especially that the governor approached them with a white flag and then they ambushed them. Soooo unfair. Why did they not talk to each others and eat tasty beanZ? Q.Q

That is exact the problem: some players want to sit in the land shooting dumb zombies and make fireplaces. Other players want to kill other players. Every playstyle is ok - but crying about pvp is pointless in a game with no pve content. If you do not like to get killed by a murderous psycho, then I have to assume this game is not the right thing for you. I would say that approximately 95% of the players are psycho - and sociopaths - deal with it. I like this immerse aspect. That is the only real danger in that world. If you do not have any pvp action this game would be extremely boring. 400 zombie kills....LOL. If I had enough ammo I could kill thousands of them. They are no challenge. What should be done when you have decent weapons, a car and maybe a heli? Flying in circles round the map? Killing those lame zombies? Making steaks on fireplaces? Wohooo.

DayZ = PvP!!!

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Everyday I come on here I see Dozens on thread complaining about Bandits, or others trying to find a way to play this game in a non PvP style. Heck, I have seen people even ask if there can be server options to enable or disable PvP.

Dayz is almost 100% PvP, which is the way that it should be. There are 2 main ways this is true:

1- Killing other players (No explanation is needed)

2- Looting

When you loot, you are taking items away from others players who could be looting soon after you (especially true in Cherno/Electro) Do you take more supplies then you need (i.e. do you carry extra food?) You also need to account for the chance of items spawning as well. Taking rarer items, is a harsher PvP tactic then leaving it. You could always come back and loot again if you run out. The only way to make looting not PvP is to have areas, with unlimited supplies, that give you the option to choose the quantity you wish to take. Of course, this is idea is stupid and will never be implemented.

The way I see it, this game is meant to be played PvP, with a reward if you choose to be friendly. Those rewards ideally comes in the form of a longer life which should increase the value and diversity of your supplies.

To all those who are do not like to play PvP, but enjoy looting may I recommend that you go out and start geocaching or play tetris.


typical narrowminded PVP'r here..

DayZ is a sandbox title NOT a FPS shooter.. its open to any of a 1000 different play styles.. just cuz you cant see past the end of your rifle doesnt mean others cant..

feel free to continue to be part of the KoS problem...but not everyone plays that way.

for what its worth ive been playing since early June, and ive never killed another player in DayZ yet. and im not bored of the game..

Edited by Siberian

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