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=ANz= Zentile

how do you end game? what is end game for you?

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Aslong the hackingproblem is not fixed.

Shoot everything that moves.

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end gaming for me is getting the absolute best gear and never being able to use it. end gaming for me is spending countless hours finally finding that AS50 and nato mags and then logging in an hour later on the same server back at the coast with no gear whatsoever.

I don't understand how people "end game". My progress resets at least once or twice a day. I don't server hop. I do everything legit. Ad the game punishes me for it. Either it's hackers or the game itself, there is no end game. There is just countless wasted hours

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yeah but hopefully rocket can make us have to push for end game and not make running in cherno with a AKm giving no shits the most liable way to play this game.

i think like adding npcs that do shit to make it worth us not dying will help alot or even adding like different in game factions we can join (i know this sounds like WoW but yeah) and like planned raids or some shit

but yea atm the end game isnt set its just what people make of it. at one stage i thought getting a Scope and sniping cherno was the end game ,,, ha

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yeah but hopefully rocket can make us have to push for end game and not make running in cherno with a AKm giving no shits the most liable way to play this game.

i think like adding npcs that do shit to make it worth us not dying will help alot or even adding like different in game factions we can join (i know this sounds like WoW but yeah) and like planned raids or some shit

but yea atm the end game isnt set its just what people make of it. at one stage i thought getting a Scope and sniping cherno was the end game ,,, ha

Hopefully in the stand-alone there will be some kind of base building.

Edited by sp86

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End game for me is killing people and taking their beans.

Which is great because I can reach endgame with nothing but a hatchet.

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Dying? Hopefully while raiding camps and making tents/items disappear into my backpack singularity device.

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items only dissapear if your and idiot who doesnt know how the inventory system works..

kthnxbye =]

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Hopefully in the stand-alone there will be some kind of base building.

yeah i just want there to be some benefit from not being a bandit

this standalone better be good haha

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Endgame is whem im bored as fuck and dont wanna play anymore...which is pretty much now. Looking forward to testing the other game soon.

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I know the feeling Angryofficer. The only time I found a vehicle, I got hack spawned while getting in the vw looking vehicle :(. A vehicle seems like a distant and untouchable objective atm. Oh yeah after the spawning I got sniped you know what happend right ;(.

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yeah thats why i want to fill my tool belt haha is it even possible to fill it?

yes you can, all I'm missing is GPS and radio, and I have 2 free slots left.

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Oh right. my endgame is to have all the tools in the toolbelt, missing gps and radio (I don't care if it's hacked in or real drop, drop the subject), NVG, rangefinder and 10 stacks of STANAG SD ammo for my M4A1*? CCO SD.

with the few buddies I have atm that don't have that much time to spend on finding a chopper, I can settle for the above mentioned. But yeah, if I get to pilot a chopper for more than 20 secs (cause snipers) I can say I've ended my goals and the dayz experience.

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Endgame? What is this, World of Warcraft? The endgame starts as soon as you wash up on shore.

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my goal is to kill 100,000 zombies with no murders and as many bandit kills as possible . this should take a long long time making end game near impossible but i should be up there on some wall of fame by the time im done .

I fucking love killing zombies

bring em on with the einfield take em down with grenades and an m249 ooohhhh fuck yeah

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This is a sandbox environment so there is no "end game" for me.

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End game? I'm waiting for the Mists of DayZ expansion where I can quest for a full-body panda suit, wear it, and then perform kung-fu on confused zombies. If it works for Blizzard's WoW, let's get it in DayZ.

Edited by Northeast

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It's not that hard to survive end game. Just go up north north, hunt animals, eat the cooked meat, fill up canteens at isolated ponds and so on. No zeds in sight and because it's away from towns or anything of importance it's just rare to bump into any players. I got bored after a week of that.

Helping newbies leads to being shot in the back, and I'm not great at hunting bandits (can't snipe). So I just go to isolated towns now and take out zeds.

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radios are only found in moutain?

No idea if they're legit or hacked, but we found two in a random tent up north.

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i'm in the middle of fixing a van, gonna fill it up with drinks and goodies and i'm gonna go to cherno/elektro pumping ice cream van music through the proximity chat.

And i'm a good ol' chap, so same price for bandits/survivors/zeds altogether!

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