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Scripts.txt files?

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Scenario is as follows : Last night I was patrolling south of Zelenogorsk and I came across a bus missing two tires on it. I moved into investigate and checked the vehicles inventory since it was just me online. I looked inside and found a Water Bottle, Painkiller, and an M4A3 ACOG GL. Now for those of you who play a lot you will know this is a hacked in weapon that is not part of the game. What I want to do is I want to find out WHO brought it onto my server. I'm very new to admin work but I want to keep my server as clean as possible so how do I do this? I have Cheat-Finder because someone said to use that but i'm lost beyond that.

Help me clean my server up, please.

Thanks in advance.

Is there a file I can download to help with the parse to find this guy? What do I specifically need to look into to find out when this weapon came on my server and how?

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What do your server logfiles tell you ?

I dont know about cheatfinder, but if your serious you have to figure everything out yourself and try to learn the script languages of arma/dayz.

I have learned that you can not "download" a solution to your specific problem, you have to understand what is going on.

I've seen a lot of server log files here on the forum and it seems they do tell you who is doing something, for as far as i understand the script language of arma.

But i like your spirit of administratoring your server strict, keep it up and do your best :)

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Yeah the only M4 with a grenade launcher is the M4A3 Holo, the M4A3 ACOG GL is a hacked in weapon that is not in the game at this time. You can actually check the wiki and see what weapons are in game and the above one is not. I think I found the guy i'm looking for after sifting through my logs. It looks like he spawned a weapon crate in and then spawned another in with ammo. Waiting on another thread to see if they will confirm or deny it then if they confirm his ass is banned.

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If that weapon wasn't hacked-in on your server, it was hacked-in on another server and came to yours in the hands of some fool thinking it was a good idea to keep.

At this point in time, with's changes to the dedicated server the amount of data being logged to server is pitiful. You're better off monitoring layer 3 traffic to and from clients connected to the game, and exporting that to a secure log.

Then, at least you can be sure that you will capture all the relevant information required to police your server effectively.

Consult the DayZ Wiki or DayZ Database for verification of weapons in game. Also a full list of weapons active in ArmA 2 Combined Operations is here. Pardon the French.

Edited by Manta-Avoid

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After looking through the files i'm seeing a lot of this :

_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];

I looked through the scripts.txt file and it says this is a hacked in cargo chest. Now the issue is, it's reporting a LOT of people spawning in said chest if that's the case, even me. So I am confused and unsure as to what to do here other then pray google can help, which it hasn't.

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