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Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.

Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.  

639 members have voted

  1. 1. Should One hit Kill snipers be removed from DayZ

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    • No
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you say that, but I have been dealing with people moaning about sniper rifles for about 10 years, it quickly moves from unwarranted assumptions to the truth when you have dealt with it for so long. I can't prove it's the case, and it's not the case for everyone. Generally speaking however, players that consistently moan about something are on the receiving end and are incapable of defending themselves against it. Then moan about it like it's a problem with the game and not themselves.

While that is true at times, I believe a majority of our issues with the 50.cals is that they handle just like the smaller rifles even though they are "heavier", do more damage, and have forgiving ballistics.

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antimaterial rifles feel wrong to me too, but i think it's right that you die from a single shot with a big gun

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I think one problem is that players can just spray with the AS50 or M107 and only 1 shot needs to hit to kill.

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Just make people carrying 50cal rifles:

1) WALK ONLY. No running. So they pretty much have to use vehicles to get to their spots or something, and that is much more easier to spot and much more rewarding to go to war with that guy.

2) Standing or laying only. No crouching.

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I voted "other" and would now like to write in my response on the line to the left of the word "other". I believe people who keep complaining about "one-shot-kill" sniper systems in DayZ should have someone trol them through every game they play, including single player, and shoot them wiht a one-shot-kill sniper systems every second they attempt to play a game.


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Just make people carrying 50cal rifles:

1) WALK ONLY. No running. So they pretty much have to use vehicles to get to their spots or something, and that is much more easier to spot and much more rewarding to go to war with that guy.

2) Standing or laying only. No crouching.


I'll admit its no picnic having to wave that thing around... but limiting my movement? Am i suddenly wearing a medieval breastplate armor?


Getting back up is simpler: Attach a line to the back of a white pickup(AND ONLY THE WHITE OFF-ROAD PICKUP) and simply hoist the sniper back to its feet.

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I'll admit its no picnic having to wave that thing around... but limiting my movement? Am i suddenly wearing a medieval breastplate armor?


Getting back up is simpler: Attach a line to the back of a white pickup(AND ONLY THE WHITE OFF-ROAD PICKUP) and simply hoist the sniper back to its feet.

All the guys who are against the removal have pretty much 1 argument:

REALITY. Like "in reality this weapon will kill you in 1 hit". But in reality this weapon weights 15+ kg. Add a weight of a fully packed backpack to it and in reality you pretty much can't run with all that stuff.

Games will never be close to reality anyway.

So yeah, i sand by this:

1) Walk only. Shooting in standing\crouching position should be made increadibly inaccurate or make you fall unconscious


2) Can't have a backpack while carrying 50 cal.

Edited by CosmicMidget
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Love the people saying that only un-skilled players who can't get headshots use them. Show me your videos of consistently sniping moving targets in the head from 200meters + away. I don't care that you played Arma2 before DayZ, you’re still not this good with sniper rifles. I’m not denying that you get headshots. But you certainly do not get headshots without missing, on moving targets from large distances. No sniper even bothers trying to do that in real life, they aim for the biggest target, torso, chest as this is a 99 percent chance of a kill anyway, and it will certainly stop the target even if it doesn’t kill them.

Sure, if the target is stood still it makes it easy to get headshots. How often does someone stand still in dayz? Not very. I play CS:S at a high skill level, in CS:S you have the AWP, this is a 1 hit kill to any part of the body except legs. People moan about that too saying it takes no skill. Do you know what happens when they try to use it against me? They get beaten every time. What is my point? Nothing is as easy as you seem to believe. If you get an AS50/M107 you will still get out-sniped by others using the same weapon because frankly, you suck at the game. Anyone who moans about a gun sucks at the game.

Infact, in most cases I could probably use the lesser sniper rifle in CS:S (the scout) which is 2 hit kill unless headshot and beat most people trying to use an AWP against me. The result of this, is that I don’t care about people using AWPs, because I am good enough to kill people using it with pretty much any gun in the game baring SMGs, shotguns and pistols. Whilst I appreciate DayZ is much different to CSS, logic dictates that people who moan about m107/as50 are the same as the people who moan about the AWP. You’re crap at the game. You can’t take losing. You want the snipers gone, but you don’t want to admit it’s because you are constantly outplayed, so you come out with bullshit saying “ONLY NOOBS USE THEM!” when the reality is, you can’t use it anyway and you pretend you get constant headshots using a Lee Enfield. I found a CZ550 the other day, you can bet your house I’m going to use it to counter the AS50/M107 users. And yes. When I get the kill I shall be taking their guns and using them to kill crap players like you lot who constantly bitch and moan that you’re not good enough to counter a sniper.

(for the record, I have been sniped a couple of times in DayZ. Both times I accepted it was my own stupid doing, like one time I was in Elekto fire station and I noticed I could get to the ladder outside the tower, through the wall. When I was on the ladder I was sniped. Oops.)

Aiming for the head of a moving target at range is ambitious to say the least. If they are moving, I take the first shoot at their legs, incapacitating them and making them a sitting duck for the killshot. Sure, this risks them alt-f4ing, but this will be fixed at some point, so it is not really an excuse. Besides, if they alt-f4, you have won the engagement.

You also don't need to take a shot the instant you see someone. Follow them a bit, try to figure out where they are going, what they are doing. If they stop to check the map, loot or w/e, take them out. I believe a big part of sniping is knowing when to shoot and when not to.

First you cite realism, then CSS? Make up your mind. I never played much CSS, but I know a few people who played a lot of 1.6 and they all refer to CSS as "babby cs". The .50 cals obviously don't just make you a god tier sniper, but they do make it considerably EASIER and they offer no real drawbacks compared to the other rifles. If the fact that they weigh atleast twice as much as the other sniper rifles somehow translated to a disadvantage ingame, I wouldn't really mind having them. But as it is now, there is absolutely NO REASON not to pick up an M107/AS50 for daytime operations, excluding a wish to not take the "easy" route.

For the record, I've been sniped ONCE in this game, and to this day I am not really sure about the circumstances. So I know how to counter them. I also know how to use them.

This still doesn't change the fact that the M107/AS50 are a crutch allowing easymode sniping. Much like CSS is easymode CS :)

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I'm not sure if you're aware, but in the real world, a .22 will kill you just as dead as a 40mm. And referring to the "shitty" sniper rifles at the military's disposal? It's all about the operator.

In regards to the OP? Nah, I enjoy the feeling of crosshairs on my back when I'm roaming around. Gives me one of them adrenaline rush thingies.

Excellent point. The arguement that the AS50 or the M107 should not be one hit kills is absolutely ridiculous. In real life, the velocity a .50 round would be spinning at is enough to take off limbs with a grazing shot. That said, such weapons are very large and cumbersome as is the ammo. Perhaps the solution would be to increase the inventory slots used by the ammo, thereby discouraging use on small targets. Obviously this doesn't fix the issue of hackers but that's another animal entirely.

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I personally think sniping is fine as it is, and this is coming from someone who can never seem to get their hands on one. The .50 cal rifles are a bit too common yes, but soon you will see the use of them slowly decrease with the self filling ammo fix. Yes I know that duping still exists, but I believe that their use will still significantly drop.

I also think that the other rifles should still be able to one shot body kill (what would happen if you got hit center mass with a M24 IRL?), and that is why I voted No.

Also, remember that its just a game, and if you enjoy playing it and don't want to get shot by snipers, stick to cover and avoid open fields that are surrounded by wooded hills. :P

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NO and they are so common now due to duping.. thats all

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The drawback to the OHK rifles should be the rarity of the weapons and the ammo, but with the amount of duping going on, it's a non-factor. It will be fixed, come standalone.

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lol a fairly in shape man can carry a 50cal and a pack full of 75 pounds of gear and still run.

You would get tired pretty fast, but you can still run and if your life depended on it you damn well bet you will be running.

I also think that the other rifles should still be able to one shot body kill (what would happen if you got hit center mass with a M24 IRL?), and that is why I voted No.

No, that isn't what would happen. If you got hit in vital organs you would die fairly quickly, but nobody just DIES because they get shot.

Even if you got shot in the heart you would still be alive for a few moments before you passed out from lack of oxygen to the brain.

If you got hit in the lung, you would still be alive. You would be in terrible amounts of pain and bleeding a shit ton, but you wouldn't just keel over because you got shot.

Real life isn't a video game, it has far less consistent "death factors" than a video game. You don't just shoot someone until you stop getting hit markers or their health bar hits zero.

Edited by Fribox

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i don't think they necessarily need to be removed, but they do seem much more common than they should be. i have a feeling that's because of the issue we have with duping.

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Why don't we make all sniper rifles like the M107 have damage that won't kill a player in one shot, allowing teh player to stand still for a few seconds and regenerate lost health? It's the logical next step to making this game far more realistic.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Edited by Enemy11

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First off, I voted 'No'. I do not have a problem with having these guns in the game, nor with the damage they do. They are frickin monstrous IRL and that should be the case in the game also. (Naturally i do have a problem with the duping, but to my understanding that cant be fixed within the mod. Standalone ftw.)

And as to the "why are these weapons found in a 'poor' post-Soviet country in the first place?";

The history or 'backstory' of Chernarus -which the ArmA2 (ever heard of this game? its quite good) campaign could be considered as- backs this up, since there was US forces doing some 'good' in the country. (This also explains for example, the Humvee-wrecks)

And for the record, I have not been on either end of these weapons and I'll do my best to keep it that way.

(off-topic; I did get shot with some other sniper rifle once in Elektro due to my desperate need of I-cant-remember-what, but I got to cover, bandaged up, stayed out of sight and hauled my beans outta there.)

BUT I do think that with the mod in its current state -with the duping and whatnot-, this is ONE OF the areas that need to be improved, not just for the sake of realism, but to balance things just a bit for now. So anyhoo, here's some stuff I (and many others, I assume) think could/should be implemented and CAN be done within the mod:

(Note that these affect also the general gameplay, not just this sniper-'issue')

1. Increase the audible range of the guns (the 'big guns' to say, 800-1200m as an example)

- and by this I mean the range that the 'Infectees' can hear them. I know they usually arent too much trouble for most people, but a lone 'sniper' on the hills of Elektro/Cherno would probably think twice whether a shot is worth taking, if it would most likely result in a metric shit-ton of Zeds coming for your ghillie-covered arse.

2. Wind effects, self-explanatory

- ofc this would obviously need the means to measure/estimate the wind speed and direction, whether it be a RARE device or the 'wet-finger' method

- I'm not saying this should be to the extent of the ACE mod, but something along those lines

3. A weight/stamina-system. In short, the heavier your load, the slower you run. Or you cant run/sprint for long stretches.

- this in combination with '1.' would make you think about 4 times, if a shot is worth it.

Were these or at least 1-2 of them implemented, I think we might see the day that one could actually say 'I got hit by a Sniper a klick away' and think 'nice shot, man' instead of 'I got hit by a guy with a sniper rifle' and ragequit. Not that I have done that, but I know that day will come for sure, if things stay as they are. Havent played for a week or so though, but I cant stay away from the madness much longer ;)

P.S. Yes, I know these features and probably even just this post will make many 'snipers' angry and you/they are welcome to go as angry as they like, but these are things that I think would make DayZ better. Period. Freedom of speech and all that.. :D



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Your 3 options are pretty much this just fyi.

1. I am a noob and get killed a lot by sniper rifles and can't do anything it's so unfair so get rid of that shit

2. I am a pro and thoroughly enjoying shooting noobs with sniper rifles

3. I am still a noob and think they need to be changed because they are too powerful, even though a .50 caliber sniper rifle can remove arms and legs from people if hit in the proper spot which is still lethal regardless of not hitting chest or head. Because of this I would rather remove some of the realisticness to play on noob mode.

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Your 3 options are pretty much this just fyi.

1. I am a noob and get killed a lot by sniper rifles and can't do anything it's so unfair so get rid of that shit

2. I am a pro and thoroughly enjoying shooting noobs with sniper rifles

3. I am still a noob and think they need to be changed because they are too powerful, even though a .50 caliber sniper rifle can remove arms and legs from people if hit in the proper spot which is still lethal regardless of not hitting chest or head. Because of this I would rather remove some of the realisticness to play on noob mode.

If this is a response to my post, please re-read the WHOLE post and do your best to actually understand what is written in it. Please.

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If this is a response to my post, please re-read the WHOLE post and do your best to actually understand what is written in it. Please.

Wasn't directed at your post just the poll as a whole and the early comments on it.

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All the guys who are against the removal have pretty much 1 argument:

REALITY. Like "in reality this weapon will kill you in 1 hit". But in reality this weapon weights 15+ kg. Add a weight of a fully packed backpack to it and in reality you pretty much can't run with all that stuff.

Games will never be close to reality anyway.

So yeah, i sand by this:

1) Walk only. Shooting in standing\crouching position should be made increadibly inaccurate or make you fall unconscious


2) Can't have a backpack while carrying 50 cal.

You also couldn't carry around an m24, backpack fully loaded, and sprint 7 miles and lay down and be okay...What is your point?You can't always have to lay down with a .50cal because of the grass in this game. The gun would be to limited due to sight.. And imagine a helicopter came in... You can't aim high enough if you are laying down. If you can't have a backpack when carrying a .50cal, where are you going to keep your ammo, genius? As I said in a previous post. Make the .50cal two shoot for waste and below, and one shot for above. Should be the same way with any sniper. Maybe slow down the firing rate of the as50 as trying to shoot a .50cal that fast, I would only imagine your shoulder would be FUCKED up.

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IMO If they weren't easily found - Like most of the people here are saying.. It would be better.

Various times I have seen the AS50 and M107 on dead bodies. I'm going to take a wild guess that they were hackers..

I've seen an M107 in a barracks but my friend got the joy of keeping it. He then died to a guy with the exact same gun from god knows where.

It would be better for the game to be like "There's a sniper OMG BEST LOOT IN GAME WE ARE GOING TO BE SO OP" rather than "yay another hacker gives us this sniper"

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Realism's a dumb argument. Morphine won't heal a fractured limb, nobody can run forever at 25km/hour with a 40kg load on their shoulders, flashlights, NVG, GPS and rangefinders use batteries, pepsi and coke don't hydrate you and you can't repair a helicopter in eight seconds with some old car parts and a ratchet. Also you can't survive getting shot five times in the chest with a .45 ACP pistol any more than you can survive getting shot in the thigh with a .50 BMG rifle.

Many of the guns do less damage than they should, and the game's wounding system depends on players being incapacitated and out of the fight long before they're actually dead. Sometimes I'll shoot a guy a couple times and then leg it without going over there to execute him. He probably lays there for a while, then gets up, bandages himself, eats a can of beans and heads out to find a cow to eat to get his health back. I don't care, I'm gone. That's fine.

The ONLY reason that .50 rifles are important is that they can get a confirmed kill without a headshot before the target can Alt+F4. Alt+F4 is a dick move, and the guys who do it should be ashamed. I've had people Alt+F4 away from my Mk. 48, my M14, my Lee Enfield and even my 1911. It's lame, they're lame. Here's the thing: A guy who's shooting at someone from 1km away is no more entitled to a confirmed kill than a guy who's locked in CQC in a school, using a WInchester 1866 to fight for his life. If I can't get loot and credit when I'm bleeding and crawling after a battle, then why are you so special that you are entitled to it when you were laying in a bush giggling? Get a DMR and learn to make quick follow-up shots, or wait for a chance to get a headshot, or just accept the fact that sometimes you don't get a kill because some jackass bails when he takes damage. But whatever, the guy is out of your way and no longer a threat, so you've won half the battle anyway. If he sticks around to bleed out, that's great, and if he Alt+F4s his way out of the universe, that's fine, too.

A quick question about Alt+F4: How do people deal with the bleeding and shock? Whenever I get shot, I go into shock the second a player's bullet hits me, even if it's just a Makarov. When I shoot a guy with an 8000 damage weapon, they fall on the ground and start spraying blood everywhere. Shortly thereafter, they disappear from the server. When they log back into the game, won't they be laying there for five minutes watching their blood drain out?

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A quick question about Alt+F4: How do people deal with the bleeding and shock? Whenever I get shot, I go into shock the second a player's bullet hits me, even if it's just a Makarov. When I shoot a guy with an 8000 damage weapon, they fall on the ground and start spraying blood everywhere. Shortly thereafter, they disappear from the server. When they log back into the game, won't they be laying there for five minutes watching their blood drain out?

Maybe my personal experience will help you. Since I am a new player I have actually aborted to avoid a gun fight. I have been shot on different occasions and aborted. Ive had broken legs, bleeding and shock. Sometimes when leaving the server with shock and then joining another server the shock has "magically" dissapeared, maybe glitch or maybe not. I would then bandage up, Morphine and continue my journey on a "safer" server. Because I was only new I had nothing but a Makarov and a Hatchet D:

I realize the gayness of aborting, now. But I also have adapted to the un-humanely-ness of majority of players. Here I was thinking maybe 50% would be friendly 50% wouldn't. Running around in clear view for other players.. in major cities is definitely NOT a good idea.

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