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Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.

Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.  

639 members have voted

  1. 1. Should One hit Kill snipers be removed from DayZ

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Only Lee Enfield, only hardcore.

I`d like that ,I think .50 rifles need to be changed to take into acount that you:

a) Cant put them into your backpack

b )canot aim them precise for longer periods while standing or crouching (try it with somethin 15kg heavy and than imagine it has a lloong barrel).

c) turn and handle them the same way you do with an M14(again heavy and long).

d)carry them without taking into account a hit on staminay or even speed (maybe like the RPGs slowing you to walking speed).

e) personaly i feel especially the AS50 is to "hightech" ratcher give me a ptrd or somthing

Edited by Knollte

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But can't a m24,dmr, or even the CZ550 do the same anti-personal role as an AS50/M107?

In the game? well not 100%, if you hit a player in the upper body with an DMR, M24 or CZ550 it takes 2 shots in my experience. and with the AS50 or M107 it only takes one in the upper body, it does like 30k dmg or something anywhere to the body. and the DMR, M24 etc do like 8k. and a player with full health has ofcourse 12k health as we all know.

Almost, if not any weapon in DayZ kills in 1 shot with a headshot, as far as i know. So ofc, if you aint rushing things, have patience, do your distance calculations, zeroing etc. and wait for the right moment too shoot, so you make sure you do a headshot ( or atleast as sure as one can be ), then yes.. the DMR and M24 etc is also perfect weapons for the job.. all tho i wouldnt count the dmr really, cause it has no zeroing and is kinda unreliable at longer distances. but the CZ550 and M24 yes definetly..

Edited by Toft

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If this mod wasn't rampant with dupes, I'd say they should stay. The rare handful of people SHOULD be so fortunate. Given the overall nature that no gun should be underestimated, one hit kill weapons (provided they were as rare as they were supposed to be) would not hurt the game. It adds to the fun of finding rare treasures.

However, duplicating has run wild. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the ratio of legit:duped endgame guns were 1:10. For this reason I vote no until when (or if) the mod works as intended.

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In the game? well not 100%, if you hit a player in the upper body with an DMR, M24 or CZ550 it takes 2 shots in my experience. and with the AS50 or M107 it only takes one in the upper body, it does like 30k dmg or something anywhere to the body. and the DMR, M24 etc do like 8k. and a player with full health has ofcourse 12k health as we all know.

Almost, if not any weapon in DayZ kills in 1 shot with a headshot, as far as i know. So ofc, if you aint rushing things, have patience, do your distance calculations, zeroing etc. and wait for the right moment too shoot, so you make sure you do a headshot ( or atleast as sure as one can be ), then yes.. the DMR and M24 etc is also perfect weapons for the job.. all tho i wouldnt count the dmr really, cause it has no zeroing and is kinda unreliable at longer distances. but the CZ550 and M24 yes definetly..

Well really wouldn't the high damage cause both bleeding and a knockout and/or even shock, which means your dead anyway. I mean since alt-f4 is getting a "fix", there is no point in us having to take matters in our own hands.

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No one would carry around a .50 over a m24. Most military guys probably wouldn't choose a .50 for practical reasons. DayZ is not a war game, it's a survival game, a .50 wouldn't help you survive. Add to that that no one would sit on a rooftop shooting people in a real apocalypse unless they were defending something. Sure, there are sick f*cks, but I think very few would go out of their way to kill people.

I think the PVP that was intended for this game (subjective speculation) was more along the lines of killing people while raiding a town for food and guns, killing people who come too close to your base, covering a team mate going into a dangerous location, things like that.

Not sniping people who are of no threat to you, and for the sole purpose of your amusement. The guy at NWA has no reason to sit there and kill people other than he likes to play that way. He's not competing with you for the loot, he's been sitting there for half an hour, he could have looted and gone by the time anyone else showed up.

You have a play style that has unmatched stealth with unmatched stopping power at range, in the hands of assholes. I would remove all scoped rifles save the m16 acog. The m14 can still be effective at 500m+, but without the scope it will be a challenge. The m16 acog will have the scope, but is much less effective at range than the m14.

Just my .02

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If this mod wasn't rampant with dupes, I'd say they should stay. The rare handful of people SHOULD be so fortunate. Given the overall nature that no gun should be underestimated, one hit kill weapons (provided they were as rare as they were supposed to be) would not hurt the game. It adds to the fun of finding rare treasures.

However, duplicating has run wild. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the ratio of legit:duped endgame guns were 1:10. For this reason I vote no until when (or if) the mod works as intended.

Yeah okey, seeing it from that perspective then yes, maybe they should be removed on a temponary basis. because i really dont think its unfair a weapon can kill you with 1 shot. seems realistic enough too me, given how the .50 cals work in real life

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Well really wouldn't the high damage cause both bleeding and a knockout and/or even shock, which means your dead anyway. I mean since alt-f4 is getting a "fix", there is no point in us having to take matters in our own hands.

Yeah in theory they would. but at one time i was sniping a bit at NE airfield with my M24, i hit a guy from 600 meters right in the chest ( he was crouched ), he just stood up and ran behind one of the hangars and logged off, but then again other times they do get knocked out, but that could also just be that they havent had full health from the start.. but good point definetly

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It isn't the one hit kill sniper rifles that are the problem, it's the rampant hacking/duping making them so easily accessible

no it's not the 1 hit kills. it's the people force quitting the game which means instead of me getting 2 shots into them with an m24 and killing them. I have to resort to using large bore weapons.

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.50 cals can be determined as AMRs, Anti-Material-Rifle, meaning they are powerful enough to damage/disable vehicles... for example, a 12.72mm round of Depleted Uranium is dense enough to go through anything, and I mean ANYTHING. The AS50 and M107 are MORE than powerful enough to kill a man in one shot... irl, you shoot a guy with a .50, and there is nothing left, except a big splotch on the wall where his body exploded. If you need proof, go on the net.

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.50 cals can be determined as AMRs, Anti-Material-Rifle, meaning they are powerful enough to damage/disable vehicles... for example, a 12.72mm round of Depleted Uranium is dense enough to go through anything, and I mean ANYTHING. The AS50 and M107 are MORE than powerful enough to kill a man in one shot... irl, you shoot a guy with a .50, and there is nothing left, except a big splotch on the wall where his body exploded. If you need proof, go on the net.

and explain how and why AMRs fit the setting of Dayz. yet there are barely any weapons with PSO scopes, let alone, wrecks of heavenly armor vehicles.

Edited by Orthus

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No one would carry around a .50 over a m24. Most military guys probably wouldn't choose a .50 for practical reasons. DayZ is not a war game, it's a survival game, a .50 wouldn't help you survive. Add to that that no one would sit on a rooftop shooting people in a real apocalypse unless they were defending something. Sure, there are sick f*cks, but I think very few would go out of their way to kill people.

I think the PVP that was intended for this game (subjective speculation) was more along the lines of killing people while raiding a town for food and guns, killing people who come too close to your base, covering a team mate going into a dangerous location, things like that.

Not sniping people who are of no threat to you, and for the sole purpose of your amusement. The guy at NWA has no reason to sit there and kill people other than he likes to play that way. He's not competing with you for the loot, he's been sitting there for half an hour, he could have looted and gone by the time anyone else showed up.

You have a play style that has unmatched stealth with unmatched stopping power at range, in the hands of assholes. I would remove all scoped rifles save the m16 acog. The m14 can still be effective at 500m+, but without the scope it will be a challenge. The m16 acog will have the scope, but is much less effective at range than the m14.

Just my .02

Well yeah ofc. my favorite sniper is also the M24, well its still loud, but less then the .50 cals.

and yeah in a real survival situation i properly wouldnt choose a sniper rifle, unless it was to protect where i was gonna live or something.. but this is still a game ofc. and in alpha stage, and tbh i think its nice that you can do what you want in the game. but ofc. too much camping and sniping ruins the game..

and for the record... im not a fullblooded bandit in-game. but sometimes if im lucky too find a sniper rifle, i will do a bit of sniping at ppl sometimes. but i dont nessecary kill everyone i see in my scope.. for example last week, when i was sniping at NE Airfield some dude ran to it too find some loot, unfortunatly i think he was new to the game. so he just ran around and attracked alot of zombies.. i choose too help him instead of killing him. Shot all the zombies he had attracked, and was hoping he didnt notice my position, if he decided too try to shoot at me etc. bla bla etc etc..

Now back to the topic. The fact is that so far its a sandbox game with almost no rules, so some ppl, are gonna have fun running around looting stuff or whatever they do, and some ppl like to fight eachother. And then there is some players that just want to be a sniper or something, and thats okey. But i dont think just because some weapons can kill you in one shot they need to be removed. Maybe temponary tho because of all the dupes. Because like Cooperal said, they are ment to be rare in the game. and ofc whoever founds one should have the thrill of playing around with an big ass .50 cal sniper if he chooses too, Thats my opinion atleast :)

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and explain why AMRs fit the setting of Dayz

Well because i guess players need some kind of weapon to defend themselfs against for instance people in heli's. The heli has like 2 big ass guns, one on each side. and ppl that mount them can easy take out many ppl, atleast if you can aim that thing :D. so it seems fair to me that you can obtain a .50 cal sniper rifle as a player and take care of the heli, that could be trying to kill you. It only takes like 3-4 shots if i remember correct. wich is actually also kinda realistic, because if you hit the engine with that big a projectile, it will litterally crack the whole engine block. Rendering your chopper pretty uselss.. and then there is no more "GET TO DA CHOPPAAAH" from those guys.

Edited by Toft

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Well because i guess players need some kind of weapon to defend themselfs against for instance people in heli's. The heli has like 2 big ass guns, one on each side. and ppl that mount them can easy take out many ppl, atleast if you can aim that thing :D. so it seems fair to me that you can obtain a .50 cal sniper rifle as a player and take care of the heli, that could be trying to kill you. It only takes like 3-4 shots if i remember correct. wich is actually also kinda realistic, because if you hit the engine with that big a projectile, it will litterally crack the whole engine block. Rendering your chopper pretty uselss.. and then there is no more "GET TO DA CHOPPAAAH" from those guys.

well yea but saddly its used more so on soft targets, and the reason they are in game is because dayz isn't balanced... just food for thought

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well yea but saddly its used more so on soft targets, and the reason they are in game is because dayz isn't balanced... just food for thought

50cals are used on soft targets in real life, and the reason they are in the game is because it is a simulator. (DayZ just adds zombies and even more simulation with food, water, and temperature)

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True, but then again so many ppl use the losers way out and ALT + F4 everytime they are getting shot at, so i can understand why some ppl use em for soft targets, because one hit = death. then they cant bullshit ALT + F4 them out of the game.

In my case i like the M24 better, because its kinda harder to kill with due to the disconnecters, because even if you hit them in the chest, most of the time they will survive, and then alot of players logs out. So you need to be sure you hit them in the head, wich makes your distance calculations that more important, and ofc waiting for the exact right moment to shot :)

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50cals are used on soft targets in real life, and the reason they are in the game is because it is a simulator. (DayZ just adds zombies and even more simulation with food, water, and temperature)

your right but so are a lot of things that are not in dayz, so lets add them as well like weaponized vehicles and incendiary grenades... why not add CS grenades and rubber rounds as well as tasers since they are used against people and would fit into simulation.

See just because something is used against soft targets doesn't mean it fits well, when compared to other gear in game.

Edited by Orthus

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If you put yourself in a position to be sniped, you deserve the death.

Snipers are predictable and the majority are bad shots who can not hit a moving target. They are easy to avoid, every single time I have been sniped (3 times), it was MY fault.

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If you put yourself in a position to be sniped, you deserve the death.

Snipers are predictable and the majority are bad shots who can not hit a moving target. They are easy to avoid, every single time I have been sniped (3 times), it was MY fault.

Have you read the current discussion past the OP and title?

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ok last post then we can end this.... EVERY GAME HAS AN OP SNIPER IN IT...... CSS the AWM crossifre the awp... COD MW2 the intervention 50 cal every game get over it.. same way in real life... get a 22 or a 50 cal ur decision. if there was a zombie apocalypse i would want to be on a military base...

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Have you read the current discussion past the OP and title?

Nope, my post was in response to the OP's question. Not going to read 8 pages of QQ'ing over being sniped and duped weapons.

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yes, because the penalty for death is too great. so it needs to be harder to kill players, otherwise the game will fail and just cod fanboys will play.

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I think they should be removed because:

This is meant to be a zombie survival game. One shot snipers from hundreds of metres away turn the game into something else.

Basically the same reasons why tanks, attack helicopters and tactical nukes don't belong either.

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On the ALT F4 thing. If you get the headshot they will be dead so they cant disconnect. So then you would have to actually be good with a sniper rifle to be able to get the headshot.

You realize how impossible it is to shoot a sprinting target in the head?

It's a military simulator. Truthfully, any sniper in this game should be one shot. The as50 is a 50cal and I promise you if you shot somebody in the leg with a 50cal, their hole leg is GONE. On the other hand, anything below the waste should be two shots and waste up is one shot, even with the as50. M24, DMR, and such should be one shot knock out and two shots to kill, unless in the head.

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