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Server owners

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Are server owners allowed to kick player for no reason because the owner either want to spawn hack items/loot hotspots?

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To be honest if they are hacking then that is bad but I run a server if I see fit to kick you for what ever reason it is my provocative aswell as banning with good reason, I rent the server not DayZ Mod staff but if he is kicking etc. or just looting for him self then it is a admin fail but there is nothing you can do about it.

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To be honest if they are hacking then that is bad but I run a server if I see fit to kick you for what ever reason it is my provocative aswell as banning with good reason, I rent the server not DayZ Mod staff but if he is kicking etc. or just looting for him self then it is a admin fail but there is nothing you can do about it.

A lot of bad info all up in this post.

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You can report the server in the right forum...

They can't kick anyone to make room for other players

They need a valid reason to ban someone

There can't be locked server either

Although they are paying for us to enjoy, they still have to stick to simple rules.

Edited by McLovinCR

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Personally I banned a suspected hacker today, if he complains so be it this mod is given out free of charge if they want bans to be prevented then dayz have to remove that right until they pay the cost on my server I will do what I see fit as best to my community.

I don't ban without good reason same as kick if people want to get in they have to wait but again DayZ Mod is still a free mod and they cannot control what I do with my server if they try I will be getting a full refund from my company aswell as seeing where I would legally stand.

The staff cannot control everything as they want or give rules out.

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Personally I banned a suspected hacker today, if he complains so be it this mod is given out free of charge if they want bans to be prevented then dayz have to remove that right until they pay the cost on my server I will do what I see fit as best to my community.

I don't ban without good reason same as kick if people want to get in they have to wait but again DayZ Mod is still a free mod and they cannot control what I do with my server if they try I will be getting a full refund from my company aswell as seeing where I would legally stand.

The staff cannot control everything as they want or give rules out.

Admins like you are seriously a cancer to this game.

Honestly do everyone a favor and run a private server. The rules are made to ensure the validity of the public hive.

Don't try and use the "I paid for it so I'll do whatever I want with it" argument because I'll smash it into the ground. It's a shit argument and a cop op for admins to try and abuse the system for personal gain.

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If someone is illegitimately banning or kicking you can report the server/admin

We are allowed to ban people provided we have some sort of proof to back up the ban. We have also had hackers appeal bans and win, just to come back and hack again and the ban cycle starts a new.

Its a sticky situation, but the new BattlEye is helping a bit. I cant wait for the standalone because like many owners/admins I do feel like Im paying for everyone else to play while my time is spent policing a server and parsing logs. While I dont agree with the "Ill do what I want attitude", those that want to come in here and say your a "cancer" can screw off just the same. Self entitled gamers are the true cancer.

Edited by jackcrow

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