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ww THE TODD ww

Can Someone Explain WTF Happened???????

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that will be yet another hacker maybe it was him you mowed down n he went emo

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Probably took an AS50 to your car, they aren't that loud.

they are pretty damn loud. before when we were shot at in the car we could easily hear the bullets this time it just exploded

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hackers can explode cars and manipulate them, even if it was an AS50, there would have been an impact noise

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There's a flash at 2.05 just before you show damage and the car gets damaged :huh: Possibly sniped ?

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Right at the very end of the clip you can see a couple more shots smack into the wall next to you. I'm guessing he saw you standing there (when you shoul've been laying on the floor) and continued to shoot thinking you were alive and well.

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Obviously a sniper...

Why? Car gets dammaged , and AS50 with nato rounds make car go boom rly fast

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mhh the AS50 seems to be way too silent then, i mean, look at some videos on the net, its even louder than the m107 in RL

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wow what's with the complaining/whining in the video?

you went through cherno with your car and got sniped. congratulations.

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Right at the very end of the clip you can see a couple more shots smack into the wall next to you. I'm guessing he saw you standing there (when you shoul've been laying on the floor) and continued to shoot thinking you were alive and well.

i cant see them and he can hit a car going 100KPH but not a stationary target? also if it was a sniper why didnt i here anything when the bullet had to be so close?

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i cant see them and he can hit a car going 100KPH but not a stationary target? also if it was a sniper why didnt i here anything when the bullet had to be so close?

lag... the same reason the car took several seconds to explode.

i've had ~8k life, hidden from a guy chasing me with revolver, then all of a sudden insta-died with no bullet sounds and not even seeing anyone while hiding in perfect cover.

death during desync. if you didn't desync then maybe the sniper got a desync.

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I think the noise at the end of the video isn't actually a gunshot, but the sound of the second guy's character groaning as he died. Rewatch the first video at around 2:02, "I just died" *awh*

From what I see, which is nothing, and what I hear, which is pretty much nothing, it was either an EXTREMELY far away guy with the AS50 Nato rounds loaded into a magazine, and managed to hit the engine in the first shot. Or it was a hacker that insta-killed you.

My money is on AS50 from a long distance.

EDIT: My first post wouldn't save.

Edited by Zeromentor

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It gets pretty ridiculous how people see hackers everywhere, or - even better - admin abuse. How about this: An evil, evil admin changed something on his server in your disfavor, so a minor road bump destroyed your car. Blacklist him. Kill Osama! Burn the witch! Call FOX News!!!

Not that DayZ didn't have a hacker problem. It has the biggest hacker problem I have ever experienced in a MOG. But the problem doesn't get solved by accusing everyone of being a hacker. After 3 days of gameplay you get enough skills to be called a hacker by a complete noob playing for the first time. "He can sneak aroud a village without being aggroed my Zed. BAN HIM!"

Of course we have thousands of script kiddies running their bought scripts without the slightest understanding what the scripts do. Allow whitelisting of servers and the problem is contained.

How about this: There was a Sniper at one of the towers in Cherno, he saw you driving around in your car but didn´t want to waste a bullet. Then you left town driving in a straight line away from him (without any transversal velocity) he simply fired. You were so far away that you even didn´t hear the shot.

For me it sounds more probable than there was a "hacker" who acually could do anything more than klicking on his thunderdome-bound-key.

But whatever: You were in cherno in daylight driving around in a car. You got killed. What did you expect? I put my feet into water, they get wet. So what?

Edited by Treehead

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Hacker? Not at all.

Your rear window brakes at the exact moment you died, as far as i know the fron and rear window of that car are the same slot, so best bet here, you got shot.

You did not hear a shot? Right, you will never hear the shot killing you, the ones missing you for sure, but the shot that takes you out, no way. The bullet is faster then the sound, as50 rounds are the fastest bullets in the game at the moment, so chances are high you will not even hear the shot cause you go down before the sound reached your postion.

You were going in a nice line following the road, not hard to hit you then in that car.

So no need to reach out and say wtf or what ever, there is nothing special happening in this video, things like this happen every day in dayz and not a single one of this was done by a hacker.

Best to do, get over it and learn from it.

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