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BattlEye Message = WTF?

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From BE Server Message: IMPORTANT: DayZ Server Admins are to remove their current Scripts.txt file to avoid kicking until an updated version is available. The New BEServer version fixes a bug in the scripts.txt reading that causes problems with the current file.

So....what? Run naked through the woods til theres a new Scripts.txt update?

This hardly seems even close to sane or logical.

Edited by semipr0
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A better solution is for server admins to open up battleye/scripts.txt, find 5 openMap !"\"openMap\"," and change the 5 to a 1 so that it is only a report instead of kick. That's what we did and have had no problems since.

BattlEye updated and looks for a tonne of new stuff now, the line above is the one causing the kicks for everyone however.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Ah this explains something. We've upgraded one server to .5 (UK173) and I've noticed this morning that the scripts.log file cannot be deleted - even when the server is stopped. I wonder whether they've stuck BE into a separate process? I know you're talking about Scripts.txt - I'm going to run them through the compare now.

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The scripts.txt file is being renamed to scripts_old.text on server restart and logging is thus diabled completely.

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A better solution is for server admins to open up battleye/scripts.txt, find 5 openMap !"\"openMap\"," and change the 5 to a 1 so that it is only a report instead of kick. That's what we did and have had no problems since.

BattlEye updated and looks for a tonne of new stuff now, the line above is the one causing the kicks for everyone however.

This sounds like a reasonable solution I'll look into doing that.

The scripts.txt file is being renamed to scripts_old.text on server restart and logging is thus diabled completely.

Nope nevermind, ours has been renamed. We're running around naked in the rain til BE gets a new one out.

Fantastic. I may just bring down the server at this point. Its not like scripts.txt was all that effective to begin with but running without one entirely.....good gods. We might as well put HACK4FREE in our server tags.

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Fantastic. I may just bring down the server at this point.

May do the same - we don't provide servers for hackers to go in and do what they please.

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Dwarden has posted a fixed scripts.txt on the IRC -- interestingly, that scripts.txt does not change the line changed here but nevertheless supposedly fixes the issue.

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I'll try it, but I reckon it's going to get renamed....

No, it is not being renamed and works without issues.

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From BE Server Message: IMPORTANT: DayZ Server Admins are to remove their current Scripts.txt file to avoid kicking until an updated version is available. The New BEServer version fixes a bug in the scripts.txt reading that causes problems with the current file.

So....what? Run naked through the woods til theres a new Scripts.txt update?

This hardly seems even close to sane or logical.

While it is regrettable from our perspective, BattlEye was and is primarily a cheat detection system for vanilla ARMA2. The scripts.txt script logging has to be specifically tailored to the needs of the game mode you are playing, what might be a kick- and banworthy offense in DayZ may be perfectly normal in ACE, a game of CTI or DZS. Therefore, it is really not BattlEye's problem if our scripts.txt breaks and the message they sent out is already doing us a favour. Whether this is a good position is entirely a different matter and I'm not even saying BattlEye takes that view, but people need to understand that DayZ, as it is now, is still a Mod that builds upon ARMA, not the other way round, and that BIS and BE have already catered to DayZ quite a lot.

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Just looked - there is now a scripts.txt file in the BE folder.

It has the openmap action set to 1 - I think BE may have updated this already as I didn't upload it.

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Looks like it could be solved - the 24kb one supplied by jwiechers seems to up, stable and not being renamed.

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I just uploaded it and restarted the server...

You did one more thing than I did and this is why yours worked any mine didnt. You read jwiechers post :P

Edited by {SAS}Stalker

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Still being renamed here. What have you done :P

I meant to add - it's considerably larger than the original scripts.txt (24kb v 15kb) going to have a look shortly and see what's changed.

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Getting a lot of script error #98 now using this new scripts.txt

Checked with a few of the people affected, none of their situations are similar, one of them was in a grocery store, another in a industrial spawn.

Only thing that seems even somewhat relevant to the situation is both times the same guy was just idling in the lobby, after checking his connection time he'd been idling in the lobby since he connected around an hour ago.

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I run a Vilayer game server, so I can't upload the new file and I imagine they'll have to do it.. unless I'm mistaken. The scripts.txt is still scripts_old.txt but I noticed it's 25kb now, so it seems bigger than the last. I can only imagine this is the new one. It also has //new attached to the first line as well. Anyone with a Vilayer server know if I have to do anything, or will they update it through FTP?

Kind of clueless honestly.

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