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[ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

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In-game Name:Mtn Dew

Steam name:mtn_dew0

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):eastern -5

How long you've been playing:about a month

Your preferred role and/or weapon:sniper or spotter as50/m4a1 cco

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):was a hero with 7000 know im a survivor with 2500

Edited by Dayz Elite

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In-game Name: Cosmin (changing it soon, defaulted to my computer name)

Steam name: immortalamar116

Age: 20

The current time zone you're residing in: Pacific time.

Mic: Yes I do.

How long you've been playing: A couple weeks now, I've gotten the hang of it quite well.

Your preferred role and/or weapon: PDM or permanently designated marksman. (sniper basically)

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2500

Edited by pr0phe7

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In-game Name: Sniggidy Diggidy

Steam Name: Sniggidy Diggidy

Age: 17

The Current time zone you're residing in: -6 UTC

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: About a month now

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Currently using the AS50 and PDM for a sniper role but enjoy assault or support as well.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero: 2500

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In-game Name: dmuppet

Steam name: trpdrunkmuppet


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC-5

Mic:Razer Charahrhchahcahiaashahs

How long you've been playing: 2 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Sniper \ Scouter

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): -500

Edited by dmuppet

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In-game Name: Pinkie Pie

Steam name: PinkiePie1337

Age: 20

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): -5 UTC

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 2 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Sniper/DMR or Assault/M4A3 CCO

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

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In-game Name: Ethan

Steam name: Singlewinghog

Age: 21

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): -5 UTC

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 1 1/2 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Sniper/M24 or Assault/M4A3 CCO/M14 Aim

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

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In-game Name: Cheddar

Steam name: DjShaggy

Age: 30

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC -7 (Mountain DST)

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 3 weeks or so

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Assault rifle or Shotgun. I would like a suppot/medic/scavenge role.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2800

I'm tired of being a lone wolf. The few interactions I've had with players has been negative and I want to change that.

I usually play during the early mornings (1000-1300 UTC) and late afternoon (2200-0400 UTC). Currently residing on US 1679.

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In-game Name: PygmyJess

Steam name: Pygmy_Jess

Age: 21

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): EST

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: A little over a week

Your preferred role and/or weapon: I've gotten an AK and a pistol so far, but other than that I don't have much experience with other weapons. I would probably feel more comfortable with an assault rifle. As far as role I wouldn't mind being a scout or looter of some sort.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

I know I don't have much in-game experience, but I love playing the game and really want a group of friends to raid and do operations with. I'm tired of spawning and getting shot instantly. I've been able to make it into cities I just don't know which buildings to go in and loot. Hope to hear back from you :)

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In-game Name:CommandoJoe

Steam name:Loonz_27


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):EST


How long you've been playing:3 days,but learning very fast

Your preferred role and/or weapon:not sure as of yet i a in posession of an AK at the moment but dont have a whole lot of experience with the different weapons yet. been mostly sneeking around quietly and resorting to melee.


Pretty new but very intelligent and learn fast.

Edited by CommandoJoe

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In-game Name: DogFood

Steam name: Sith_Lord_Rage

Age: 40 something

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): west cost (-8)

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 3-4 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: scout / M4 or Ak anytype, G17 or 1911

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 1500 was 5000+ before last death

Real life: Ex-military, bail bond recovery agent (read bounty hunter) not like the guy Dog on tv, I carry even when I sleep. ;)

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Zakymate, fvdf and Bestadamire please check your respective inbox if you haven't already.

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Okay, the rest of the applicants can expect to find a pm in their inbox soon.

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Dayz Elite, please check your inbox as a pm will be arriving shortly.

All other applicants should have received a pm in their inbox. However, I am still working on those that have replied back to me.

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In-game Name: KazuoKiriyama

Steam name: CarniverousSheep

Age: 22

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 2 months

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Looter/ Assault


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Now that our rules are back up on our forums.....back to recruitment!

KazuoKiriyama, please expect a pm in your inbox very soon.

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In-game Name: Craig

Steam name: moshpitkid

Age: 22

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT - UTC (0)

Mic: Yes

How long you've been playing: 3 weeks

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Spotter/Sniper - M4A1 CCO SD/DMR

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):Always buggy. Most of the time it's 0 then it goes up to 2000.

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In-game Name: BuffaloAAGent

Steam name: Nikias720@msn.com


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT+1

Mic: yes

How long you've been playing: 1 month

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Assault

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2500

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moshpitkidx please check your inbox if you haven't already.

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BuffaloAAGent, please check your inbox if you haven't already.

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In-game Name: edward

Steam name:ScarFace7454

Age: 21

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada

Mic: yes. (Turtle beach X12)

How long you've been playing: a few weeks. Know a handful of usefull information

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Medic, or gun carrier. I either have on me at all times 2 of ever medical equipment, or 3 guns at a time+ ammo. I enjoy using assault rifles like the AKM

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor 2500

Im not familiar with full blown military tactics, i can take simple orders like most people, i know how to use flash lights night vision ETC.

Edited by ScarFace7454

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In-game Name:AverageJoeGamer

Steam name:emurray1324


The current time zone you're residing in(UTC):Eastern Standard Time

Mic:Tritton AX Pro 180

How long you've been playing:A week with enough watched gameplay for a month.

Your preferred role and/or weapon:No preference, I could do whatever is needed.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero):Survivor, 2500

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In-game Name: Fwizzl45

Steam name: pattyman45

Age: 16

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): EST

Mic: Blue Yeti

How long you've been playing: Just started, I strive to perfect though and love squad play :)

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Just started so whatever you want captain!

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): survivor

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In-game Name: JigglyPuff

Steam Name: JigglyPuff

Age: 20

The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): -6 MDT

Mic: Yep. Logitech G930 Wireless Headset

How long you've been playing: 6 months.

Your preferred role and/or weapon: I'll play any role really. Medic, Mule, Forward Scout, guy who pulls the shortest straw and watches camp while everyone goes to get food.

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor. I avoid people at all costs when by myself, so I've never actually killed another person.

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In-game Name: Nightfirexx

Steam name: [N]ightfirexx[FuG]

Age: 25

The current time zone you're residing in: PST

Mic: Yes Tactic

How long you've been playing: One week

Your preferred role and/or weapon: Assault, or Sniper, or Support

Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor

Edited by Nightfire

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ScarFace7454 and AverageJoeGamer, expect to find a pm in your respective inbox very soon.

Edited by Deetwo

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