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is this normal?

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hi guys.. im new and still trying to get it running.

believe everything is set up right and can join servers till i get to the black screen with the words 'loading' on it and sits there for about 20 mins the first time then got in and it didnt look like nothing i saw on youtube.. just a vast open area with three dudes standing there so i thought it must of been a first time thing so i joined another server and it seems to be taking the same amount of time to join? does this happen for the rest of you?

i even replace the anti cheat file in hopes it would change but nothing.

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Nope not normal, the longest time on loading screen was probably 3 mins. Normally it's about 10 sec to a minute.

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Yes, sometimes the load time can be a good 5 minutes or so. As far as loading into a empty space with other players, that sounds like the debug spot. Actually, my bet is the server was the victim of a hacker and you were ported while still loading into the game.

Expect to experience hackers often. Be patient and try to remember this is Alpha and glitchy as all get out.

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What dayz version are you running, if it doesn't match the server you will never get past the loading screen. I find US servers to be the quickest in terms of loading time, most likely because that is where the hive is located.

Edited by smasht_AU

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ok so after taking into smasht comments it turns out thats the problem. quick matching gets me in which leaves most au servers not running v1.7.2.4?

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I have daily problems with accessing a server and now I'm running latest dayz I have to wait for all the .4 to catch up with us .5s.

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I use DayZCommander also and I sometimes launch Arma 2 CO from steam. It depends what your DayZ version and beta patch is i think.

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think your best bet is running 95417 beta patch on dayz version. if you updated with dayz commander, than you're going to have to revert, which is simple. the loading after character created usually takes up to 5 mins for me

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