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So vehicles and tents do not save anymore?

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Lost two tents and a bus. Logged out 9 hours ago, and different locations. Scavenging seems pointless at the moment.

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How is it possible that it is so random? I do not get that. Variables should be either they save them all or they don't..

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I'm getting this problem on the server I play on too. Tents revert to nothing in them, and a uaz I found reverts to the gear it had in it when I found it, after every restart, which is every 3 hours where I play...

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Sigh.. nevermind about my first comment. I´ve just logged in on our server and our 2 tents full of epic gear have vanished. (The tents theirself) I hope that they'll return at the next restart..

Edited by Demaster13

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