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About wolfblade@ntlworld.com

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  1. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    Sudden FPS drop after roughly 10 minutes

    I don't know exactly what he did but our admin fixed it, didnt get chance to pry the information from him on what it was and how he resolved it, but before he did he was sure it was to do with some admin tool(s) he had added.
  2. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    Sudden FPS drop after roughly 10 minutes

    Having this same problem on the server i play on, along with pretty much every other player on said server, admin says its got something to do with something he added, either the number of AI or the number of vehicles, most annoying and has made it impossible for me to fly anymore :(
  3. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    Bandit Logic

    I would challenge this with myself, I have never shot someone unless it totally necessary, and those necessary times total about 3 since the end of june/july, In that time of the many times I have been killed theres only 3-4 where my death was understandable, or legitimate as so many people like to say, and a couple more that were my fault, the rest, a sniper round to the head from god knows where for the most part, and largely in isolated 'low risk' areas... One set or replies that amuses me the most is those who kill fresh spawns and hide behind the 'they will become a threat' excuse then cite the PvP nature of the game or how they like 'the challenge' there is no challenge when its you and your as50 vs a clueless survivor with his bare hands, just get real, your only kidding yourselves...the fact of the matter is you either know yourself you have no skill to win on even ground or are just flat-out cowards...
  4. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    Grade A Griefers

    I don't like to take sides so first:- Faceman never said he went on too no PvP servers and started shooting up everyone... And now:- Ever damn PvP'r it seems tries to back up their actions with the 'its a sandbox open ended game you play the way you want' thing, yet they arent capable themselves of accepting that some people dont want to PvP, ya know, cuz ITS A SANDBOX OPEN ENDED GAME YOU PLAY THE WAY YOU WANT...If your trying to convince us all that the game is just PvP dont try and use that excuse, you sound like a hypocrite... Non pvp'rs, stay away from big towns, only go in as a group or at night with a silent weapon, play on servers with side channel enabled = more chance of friendlies (also some douchebags settings traps though) and maybe don't pick anything of too high value up, the most valueble item i usually have on me is an alice pack nowadays, until i'm positive i have decent players around me, and i usually just use a hatchet/handgun, also probably best to stick to your feet, vehicles attract attention end of. theres more but im tired, oh pretty much dont have anything of value in your possesion unless your damned well sure you can defend it (aka dont get atttached to your gear) PvP'rs, dont troll the big cities with snipers (go do that at NWA), especially if your gunna then try and brag about your 234782374837 kills when we would be surprise if even one of those kills were on a level playing field...its not cool to kill unarmed fresh spawns, and you could be turning away newcomers to the game, and if they run from the mod they probably wont come to the standalone,is that what you want? to reduce the sales of the standalone? more than likely reducing the content we receive in the end? -I can uderstand you killng an unarmed person who you run into around a corner, is very close by however. I don't PvP, I don't interact with other players much at all even though i'm on a server with quite a few friendlies right now, and i've been playing since june/july and have killed 3 people, 1 was a murder (was in a group of 6 friends and one of us ran into a supermarket alone and got shot up, thus i took the shooter out) the 2nd a bandit at NWA ATC (dumbass thought i'd passed out on the very top when I was just bandaging so i popped him as he climbed the ladder) and the last to take revenge for the death of a friend (oh sweet, sweet revenge) I will help others though, I will inform others of valueble items e.g. crash sites (sometimes to see the battle to get to it), and I will fix up vehicles and leave them for others too (jerry can included) and sometimes deliver them to people too. I find this a much more satifying playstyle and many more should do it IMO, but effort is something some people just cant handle I guess... The real babies in this game are those who come in expecting to get everything handed to them on a plate and then when it isnt, decieve and use others to get stuff, thats just the same as saying the game is too hard for you i'm afraid you guys ; ) At the end of the day it seems most people are seeing the genre title survival game and reading into it as survival of the fittest game... TL;DR? No STFU and GTFO, if thats the case then your probably not the right person to be reading this so you dont need to know... Also don't know if all of that is relevant but I rarely use the forums and sometimes it's good to let it all out :D
  5. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    Who is a hero?

    I have the hero skin on the hive but it wasn't itentional, I got it from all the times i had to heal up my friend XD, but saying I have always tried to play friendly and have never killed on site, I don't count running in behind the guy who killed my buddy when he told me where he died and blowing the guys brains out your usual kill on site tactic, I have died many times to people who KoS, usually for no good reason, most of the time it has been when I have had little to no gear, but I guess if someone can only enjoy themselves by killing helpless players then thats their prerogative. I just wish more people wouldn't, i'm much more use to others in my usual backup/medic role then as an emtpy corpse on the floor... I have'nt really been on the hive for a while but when I do go on i'm tempted to join high population servers and just stay around the big towns helping people, just carrying a few meds not having any regard at all for my own life, I don't usually pick up anything but a bigger backpack now anyway, the last time I decided to not just stick with a hatchet and pick up a primary weapon I was shot 3 mins later >_< even on private servers its happening a lot now, on one I was on there had been many medics going around helping people, and there were GENUINE bandits on the server too, but the helpful guys got fed up of getting stabbed in the back and were using their previous air ambulance to tear everyone to shreds instead...
  6. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    50 Jerrycans?

    I agree with this totally, on one of the private servers I frequent there is a no stealing cars/items from others rule, but the server went down for about two weeks and I have not seen barely anyone on since, at the same time the only vehicle I came across was a bus on Klen?Klem?Klien? XD but it was an obvious camp set up to get the ATV, I have been across the entire map to vehicle spawn points but found nothing, it feels like someone has got on and hoarded every other vehicle before the downtime and they have not been back since...
  7. I don't agree with hacking for sure, and somehow I have not yet been on the receiving end if it anyway, but what I seem to be seeing here is a handful of players butt-hurt from dying to hackers who just see the hacking in the title and mindlessly write a flame post. These people who are ranting saying the hackers should just 'man up' and play legit instead of hacking just because they are not good enough enough at the game and got killed should do the same, 'man up' don't QQ and move on, ignore any post with HACKING in the title too, then we will all be better off... But saying that no beans shall be given as it is posting this like others have that helps feed the butt-hurt forum dwellers :)
  8. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    So vehicles and tents do not save anymore?

    I'm getting this problem on the server I play on too. Tents revert to nothing in them, and a uaz I found reverts to the gear it had in it when I found it, after every restart, which is every 3 hours where I play...
  10. wolfblade@ntlworld.com

    why do people complain about disconnecting?

    This, allthough i dont agree with alt+f4 or whatever it was, I also dont think its fair that all the PKers EXPECT EVERBODY to just bend over and take it up the ass when they run into them. I have seen many bandits reply to posts saying "This is a sandbox game, banditry isnt taboo, anybody can play it how they want to" They always go around flashing this statement which is hypocrisy at its finest as they are totally blind to the fact that some people want to play and not kill other players. The bandits say if this is the case then these players should just avoid bandits like the plague and if they cant it is their own fault for failing at the game, but when said bandits sole aim is to track down players and kill them it isnt that easy all the time... I dont know if its been mentioned in any other posts, but the other argument bandits have to defend their playstyle, you know "but in a real zombie apocalypse people wouldnt try to band together" well I have my own thoughts on that too, the main difference between this GAME and a never-gunna-happen-but-if-it-did REAL zombie apocalypse is that in a real one zombies wouldnt respawn, get some groups together in a real world zombie apocalypse and wiping out the zombies alltogether wouldnt be so hard with the weapons on offer in this game. though of course there would be the odd nutter who wants to live out their lifelong fantasy of ending innocent peoples lives just for the hell of it. Bandits stop using poorly thought out excuses for your actions, just admit you all get your kicks from griefing other players, and yes i've been killed by bandits, and no im not QQ'ing about it, bandit griefers are in the game and that will never change, i have accepted that, i also havent been killed by that many though, and only in high risk areas which is why i dont QQ about it. At the same time i have only ever had one murder, and that was when someone shot at one of my friends first (he nearly bled out in fact) and also only killed one bandit, and that was only in revenge for him killing another of my friends, so I am capable of fighting back. That is all