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Character Build

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This isnt a class or anything (to my opinion) this is about the character, and the players playstyle.

In the character creation there should be an option to choose between:

Light - generally faster, lower HP, quieter due to light weight

Average - A little bit of everything

Heavy - Not quick on their feet but with higher endurance and HP, maybe they dont need it.

Between those 3 different things can be gone throut differently, adding a more dynamic feel to this and allowing the play-style of the player to be expressed more.

The light build is a person who is light on their feet being quicker and more quiet, Ideal for sneaking in a city and leaving with subtlety. Greatly suffer with low HP

The Average is basically what we all play, a moderation of being light and heavy.

The heavy is a person with great strength, endurance and HP. This build is based on someone who wants to go in, guns blazing and effin up zeds then taking the loot and leaving a trail of ashes in their wake.

For you people who think this isnt a great idea. Thats why I say Average is basically what we play currently. Think about it.

Edited by Korozain
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I disagree with this. putting players on the even playing field is what it is all about. Different play styles move at different speeds... and take different risks. it's just how it is. gotta adapt.

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Well this is suppose to be realistic. And in real life, not everyone is the same. My idea offers appearal, and playstyle variations.

Just apreciate i didnt have like 10 perks.

But these suggestion forums are based on opinions anyway.

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This isnt a class or anything (to my opinion) this is about the character, and the players playstyle.

In the character creation there should be an option to choose between:

Light - generally faster, lower HP, quieter due to light weight

Average - A little bit of everything

Heavy - Not quick on their feet but with higher endurance and HP, maybe they dont need it.

Between those 3 different things can be gone throut differently, adding a more dynamic feel to this and allowing the play-style of the player to be expressed more.

The light build is a person who is light on their feet being quicker and more quiet, Ideal for sneaking in a city and leaving with subtlety. Greatly suffer with low HP

The Average is basically what we all play, a moderation of being light and heavy.

The heavy is a person with great strength, endurance and HP. This build is based on someone who wants to go in, guns blazing and effin up zeds then taking the loot and leaving a trail of ashes in their wake.

For you people who think this isnt a great idea. Thats why I say Average is basically what we play currently. Think about it.

hey mate just like to add this in.

if the character build is heavey they should have less endurance nor more. unless your talking about hit points. the heavier the person the more energy it takes to move that big body around. maybe they can carry an extra weapon or more ammo like a M240 and instead of the magazines taking 2 slots they take 1 slot.

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I was talking about health mostly. Its just the fact that the health is blood in this gameit was hard for me to make the words for HP. strength speaks of carry capacity and heavy weapons.

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I guess but do you inderstand the basis of this though?

Edited by Korozain

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yeah i get the points you are making and I think it would be a good idea. i mean a sniper would rather be a smaller/medium character who can only carry 1 weapon such as a 50cal. this would make him not able to run very far or fast but hide well. snipers dont need to move fast or travel far. their job is boring and allot of waiting in overwatch

a smaller character with 1 assault weapon would be able to move fast and have endurance but be best with assault weapons

bigger guys would be a bigger target and more visible if he was a sniper. he would be able to carry maybe a m240 as well as an m4 and use both defectively but move slower

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gods sake......... i'm not even going to give an opinion on this except for NO!.. -_-

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