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Which chat to use?

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should i use group / vehicle channel or direct communication ( within 10~100 meters )

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Direct to talk to players around (<80m)

Vehicle when in a vehicle

Group does nothing (as far as I'm aware)

Edited by danredda

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Direct to talk to players around (<80m)

Vehicle when in a vehicle

Group does nothing (as far as I'm aware)

okay thanks :)

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Vehicle channel will work with anyone who is in a vehicle with you, group channel i'm not 100% on but i think it works when you're in the player screen and when waiting for character - maybe also when you're dead, direct com is the one you want if you're looking to speak to people in proximity to you.

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does direct chat work when ur in a heli ?

or have i wasted alot o time shouting: "friendly friendly, who wants a ride ?" across the map when i was takin my 1st heli ride.... ?

Edited by M4L

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Direct works for everyone within range

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