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DAYZ- Game is broken?

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Ok I can say it is safe to say that the game is broken. YES YOU can say its still a beta and stuff, but think about eveyrthings that happening.

Game runs on super slow fps, Game has a 20-30 mins LOADING TIME?, Patches and Hackers fuck up the game bad? Really? I have seen and played games under beta, and apparently this is the worst one yet.

I have a computer that can RUN MAX bf3, Crysis 2, MAX PAYNE 3, GTA 4, all on max, and right now I get 10 FPS ON THIS GAME??? GOT HIT BY HACKERS 3 times in 2 days for like 3 days in a row? LOADING SCREEN FOR 20 mins??

This is messed up. IF ANYONE OUT THERE CAN HELP ME CHANGE MY MIND AND SOLVE MY PROBLEMS, HELP ME OUT, OR this game is just gonna start raging out.

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Correction, DayZ is not in beta, it's in alpha. It's only in the stage where you have playable portions that are supposed to give an example of the finished product. Of course it's bugged beyond all hell, and you might say that it is broken at certain places. However, you aren't playing something like a beta where it's supposed to basically be the finished game without all the fixed bugs and fine tuning. You are more or less complaining that the puppy isn't running when it has barely learned to stand.

(Side note, have you made sure your resolution is the same as the 3D one?)

And MOTOCROSS, come on, you can be better than this. :)

Edited by saitoq
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Let me explain:

1st. you are using a BETA version of a game (Arma2OA)

2nd. you are using an ALPHA version of a mod

3rd. if you have, you are using a pre-release version of an ALPHA mod, that is not guaranteed to be stable.

It's not really suprsising, that a beta-alpha-prerelease -version of a game(mod) has problems.

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Correction, DayZ is not in beta, it's in alpha. It's only in the stage where you have playable portions that are supposed to give an example of the finished product. Of course it's bugged beyond all hell, and you might say that it is broken at certain places. However, you aren't playing something like a beta where it's supposed to basically be the finished game without all the fixed bugs and fine tuning. You are more or less complaining that the puppy isn't running when it has barely learned to stand.

(Side note, have you made sure your resolution is the same as the 3D one?)

And MOTOCROSS, come on, you can be better than this. :)

But.... but... these little bitches are so annoying.. :(

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