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So many hackers, the mind boggles - any legit players left?

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I joined 6 servers tonight.

I was teleported into the sky on 3, thunderdomed on 1, instakilled on another(along with the rest of the server) and teleported to the NWAF along with the whole server on the last one.

This was on relatively 'low pop' servers too, 4 of them had less than 25 players.

When I actually did get a few minutes 'proper' play in, the only guns I heard shooting were AS50's and the occasional m240.

I seen one other player who I talked to on direct chat, "I'm logging out man, too many cheaters" he said.

It's gotten to the point where the hackers are fighting over the legit players... to kill them.

After all, why kill another hacker? There's no fun in killing someone who can get it all back again with the press of a button.

I can take being killed by someone who hacks in weapons, as long as they don't 'god mode' themselves, I accept that challenge.

But I just can't see my way to play DayZ when I fly off 5000 feet into the heavens after 10 minutes of play.

I don't blame Rocket for this, I know it isn't his fault and can't be fixed.

It's just a sad state of affairs than none of this can be patched over and the people doing it seem to only grow in numbers.

If there's any European clans out there that run a passworded server(with decent pop) and will allow 4 or 5 ruthless, jackass but non hacking bandits play on their server, drop me a PM - we'd be happy to have some fair gunplay.

We don't cheat, we don't alt + f4.

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this server isnt passworded but it is protected by someone who watches every single person in the game because he hacks himself only to protect his server and i haven't seen him use it for anything else. I'll send you the server name in message so hackers dont have a challenge ;)

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I've only seen one hacker since since the start of June and 200+ hours of gameplay. Same with the other 6 people I play with. Guess we're good at choosing lucky servers/are playing when hackers are asleep.

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The only thing I can really comment on is you're going to have to find a "good" server. There are only a few servers I go to now because there has never been any major cheating going on. Beyond that it's just going to be risky going anywhere until stand alone comes out.

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Anyone has any hacker free servers (something I'd doubt) with active admins, PM me or post them here.

EU only please.

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Stop complaining and find servers with active admins like mine

What good are you if everyone is nuked? The damage is already done by that stage...

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Are you playing on and the latest 883 build (or whatever it is)? Ever since I updated to have the latest versions of everything I seem to have not encountered a hacker since.

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Are you playing on and the latest 883 build (or whatever it is)? Ever since I updated to have the latest versions of everything I seem to have not encountered a hacker since.

Well shit, that must mean they're gone?

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Stop complaining and find servers with active admins like mine

That doesn't matter. Even if the admin kicks the hacker after the script-kill, you're still dead and have to re-start.

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I play on US servers, and haven't seen a single hacker since.

There's a server in my region titled ANZ 1. It has a special anti-hacking thing where as soon as someone gets teleported, the one who teleported the legit player is suddenly banned, and the legit player who is teleported, is teleported back.

I believe, according to my sources, is that the server admin enlisted "nice" hackers to create this technique.

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There is an easy way to figure out who's a hacker or not. Simply shoot at him. If he falls down and die, then he's not a hacker, but if he seems unharmed by your barrage of bullets, then you have yourself a haxxor. This is fail-proof.

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I've only seen one hacker since since the start of June and 200+ hours of gameplay. Same with the other 6 people I play with. Guess we're good at choosing lucky servers/are playing when hackers are asleep.

Haha my group and I meet hackers every. single. day. Tonight it was some invincible guys that my friend met, a guy teleporting behind me and killing me, and my friend getting thunderdomed later. Oh yeah and earlier in the day an invisible guy satchel charging elektro.

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Well shit, that must mean they're gone?

No need to get mad. Just pointing out that it looks like not all hack sites are up to date with the latest updates so you can avoid them by playing the most up to date version.

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The sad thing is you're only seeing the blatant ADHD skiddies, and not the much bigger crowd who stay away from flashy scripts but use player/vehicle ESP, teleport, invisibility, etc..

Protip to admins: ESP is all you need to ban cheaters en masse. Use it for good and you'll get about 5-20 legit bans on your server a day.

Edited by noiradle

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Stop complaining and find servers with active admins like mine

Active admins are great for kicking hackers, but what use is kicking a hacker after he's killed the whole server?

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The sad thing is you're only seeing the blatant ADHD skiddies, and not the much bigger crowd who stay away from flashy scripts but use player/vehicle ESP, teleport, invisibility, etc..

Protip to admins: ESP is all you need to ban cheaters en masse. Use it for good and you'll get about 5-20 legit bans on your server a day.

Those are what I call the 'friendly' hackers. The ones that don't blatently grief people with ridiculous bs, but are cheating none the less.

Im canadian and allways too high too hack.

Hey I'm stoned too man, but that doesn't stop me from getting hacked. What are you smoking? I wants me some of that.

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Games dead,

Games a failure

Wrong engine

Move on to WarZ

Nothing to see here.

Why are you even here?

The game in it's current state with hackers is disappointing, but it's not dead by any means. It's the middle of the night in the US and there are 16,000 people playing at the second.

And what makes you think WarZ will be better? While having a look around the most popular ArmA hack website out at the moment, I read several threads about how they plan to create similar hacks for WarZ, and they will start as soon as one of them gets a beta key.

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