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Nonlethal weapons (tranq gun)

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I know, setting is pretty dark, zombie apocalypse and surviving, but still it would be nice to have some alternative for humane players.

So basic of idea:

Implement tranquilizer dart rifle and tranquilizer dart handgun.

Make both have bright yellow/orange color textures so it would be clear for other players that guys with these guns somewhat harmless and pretty handicapped in pvp.

Both dart guns have long reload time, doesn't affect zeds, but put player characters after 5-10 seconds from being shot fall in long knockdown, enough to disarm them, warn or flee from them.

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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If I don't want to kill someone' date=' I just send one silenced bullet into their shoulder and then tell them to get the fuck out before the next one goes into their head.

Works pretty well, and it can still kill zombies / players

If you don't have a silenced weapon then just wait quietly or go someplace else.

Humane means don't really have a place in a lawless world


Other than not wanting to kill somebody, it could also be useful in a tactical approach. Meeting two guys - or more, with better weapons, you could silently shoot one of them and when it's out, you shoot the other one (or both with tranquilizer dart). Silenced weapons are not so easy to find.

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I like it. Instead of killing them I could tranquilize them and run off, or loot just the beans and run off. Everybody is happy

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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Tranq guns would also have to be equally rare because what is to stop someone from camping buildings and places by tranqing people who climb ladders just to watch them fall to their deaths?
Griefing? In my games? NOWAI

Tranq guns have short range and slow rof. A big enough limitation tbh.

Also torso hits should not work as there is the vest. Bingo.

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I half agree with you Doktor, in most cases where you could do all those fancy killing tricks, its just easier to shoot a bullet into their backs.

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Nice idea, tranquilliser guns, tasers etc

I know in Chernarus Life they have a scroll menu selection of knocking someone out if your within reach of them.

Also I remember someone mentioning pepper spray at some point, would just make the screen go black for say 1 min.

I think as an overall though you would need to say take 1 min to get back up but it takes longer than 1 min to reload the weapon (or to that effect).

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Posted this a second ago, but didn't realize there was another thread. Here was my OP and the DH ticket:


Giving some players a non-lethal way to pacify people who they happen upon unexpectedly might drastically cut down on murders' date=' specially on unintended ones.

Weapon Ideas:

Tear Gas (with masks) -- Makes victim cough uncontrollably, leaving them incapable of holding a rifle up to fire until they get outside of the gas. Would be entirely useless on zombies.

Beanbag Shotgun Rounds -- Would send their targets into a short duration shock, rendering them immobile (hourglass). Would also be entirely useless on zombies. (Unless perhaps disorienting them on a headshot?)

M84 Stun Grenade -- Would stun target, blinding him for a short duration, deafening him for a little longer, and making him flinch back which would make bringing his weapon to ready would not be possible for a few seconds. Would slightly disorient zombies, but be a big aggro for zombies. (but not a zombie generator like the Mk. 48.)


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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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Other than not wanting to kill somebody' date=' it could also be useful in a tactical approach. Meeting two guys - or more, with better weapons, you could silently shoot one of them and when it's out, you shoot the other one (or both with tranquilizer dart). Silenced weapons are not so easy to find.


That is because they are so advantageous

Tranq guns would also have to be equally rare because what is to stop someone from camping buildings and places by tranqing people who climb ladders just to watch them fall to their deaths?

It could be used for all sorts of overpowered purposes - Put a tranq in one person and drop a smoke nade on them so they get eating by zombies without hurting humanity (its not used right now but could be in the future) or you use them as bait, etc.

I'm not saying these things shouldn't happen in game, but if you could find Tranq guns as readily as say crossbows then the game would lose all semblance of balance and fun.

And then if you made Tranq guns rare to preserve what little balance there is, you'd be better off taking the equally rare silenced weapons. Especially because they are still lethal, and have more shots / better fire rate

Its a good idea, but redundant because you can already fulfill its purpose or just avoid other players

Well, I've killed a bandit by letting him climb a ladder and them pumping him full of led as someone else did to me (luckily I've managed to hide in time). This is a valid tactic even now, as it is also, to shoot any other guy or a group without hassle, if you take them by surprise. Firing from a distance, with a scoped rifle and putting the enemy in the situation of defending himself, and in the same time being atacked by zombies if he's close to them, is almost the same as knocking him out for the walkers.

A tranq. gun could bring the fun into the gameplay. As someone put it, hitting a enemy's tactical vest should not register as a hit and if you combined that with a low ROF and range, should be ok even though that weapon is as easy to find as a winchester for instance.

Anyways, other non-lethal methods could be fun too.

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They need to fix the DC exploit of PVP, then this idea would be amazing.

As it stands right now though, if you tranq'ed someone they'd most likely just DC.

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at first i though yeah good idea but then i agreed with InterCityFirmWhu

i could just imagine a noob bandit running around with a trank gun, shoot you 1 time with it and then come and finish you off... then take my beans!

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And it will be a difference instead of shooting you dead from the beginning in what terms? :)

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Ive had a think about this one and I like it. At the moment your choices are kill someone or trust them and hope they dont betray you. I like the option of being able to disable, possibly rob if u want and not kill.

The problem is balancing.

So here's my thoughts, slight variation on OP.

1st make tranquilliser gun a rifle so it uses ur main gun slot. Its slow to reload like a crossbow.

Second. Make the first dart just make you groggy. You get hit and have a little bit to run and hide or return fire , then you slow down and your screen blurs.

Second dart cumulates the effect. You are now on a countdown to passing out. U have time to walk a little way and hide but ur vision will be blurring/ shaking and ur getting slower.

So u must hit a player twice with a slow loading weapon to knock them out and its not instant either way.

Teargas and stun grenades also sound fun.

I also like beanbag / rubber bullets but think they should do a small amount of health damage and just knock the person over. Unless you head shot them then u get some additional blurring / shakiness on their vision for a bit.

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I know' date=' setting is pretty dark, zombie apocalypse and surviving, but still it would be nice to have some alternative for humane players.

So basic of idea:

Implement tranquilizer dart rifle and tranquilizer dart handgun.

Make both have bright yellow/orange color textures so it would be clear for other players that guys with these guns somewhat harmless and pretty handicapped in pvp.

Both dart guns have long reload time, doesn't affect zeds, but put player characters after 5-10 seconds from being shot fall in long knockdown, enough to disarm them, warn or flee from them.


I have ranted at length about preserving human life in DayZ for a while and would love to see non-lethal/less than lethal weaponry used in the game. If combat is unavoidable I always try to shoot the legs/torso (depending on the weapon I'm using) to try and put them out to I can escape.. or rob them and escape.

I know this is for the Tranq gun, but I figured I'd get flamed if I gave some other non-lethal/less than lethal weapons there own thread so I'll drop them on here as well.

I made the 3D model myself, it's quite amateurish but it works as an illustration =P


I would of thought in the chaos that would have ensued during the outbreak this sort of weaponry may well have been deployed against civilians and the zombies.


My take on the tranq gun, though very unrealistic being able to load it into any rifle...


And a weapon that's just plain unpleasant...


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