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What do YOU carry?

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What kind of stuff to you like to drag along with you?

do you even carry/how many do you carry:

smoke grenades?(1 or more?)



chemlights?(what color perferably?)


and for some of the other stuff:

how many do you carry of:

food/cooked meat

soda/water bottles



bloodbags(if in a group)

and do you carry a second primary(i.e. sniper rifle)?

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Primaries: G36c SD (found in a tent)/AS50

Secondary: PDW SD (also found in tent)

Equipment: I have everything but a radio, including all of the construction gear in case I need to build myself a fort.

-x1 satchel charge

-x1 yello smoke grenade

-x5 mountain dew

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I carry, usually, two painkillers / morphine / epipen. 4 bandages. 1 heatpack. no chemlights or roadflares, too scared to use them. 2-3 blood bags. as much cooked meat as possible, as much canned food and drinks (im addicted to food).

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One Sniper rifle, one assault rifle in bag, one quality handgun. 3 bandages, 2 blood bags, 2 morphine, 2 painkillers, two food, two water and tons of ammo. :P

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Two smoke grenades, one red/blue, one green/orange.

One grenade

One Painkillers

One Morphine

One Epi Pen

Three magazines for my primary.

Four magazines for my secondary.

Two bandages

Two Silenced Magazines for my secondary

And in the pack

Two blood bags

Two morphines

Two Painkillers

Two Badages

One second primary (Generally a compact weapon to compliment my full size rifle)

Three magazines for it.

One Bottle of Water

One cooked meat.

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Primaries: G36c SD (found in a tent)/AS50

Secondary: PDW SD (also found in tent)

Equipment: I have everything but a radio, including all of the construction gear in case I need to build myself a fort.

-x1 satchel charge

-x1 yello smoke grenade

-x5 mountain dew

First reply admits to carrying around hacked weapons. Great start!

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At the moment I am carrying.

Enfield with plenty of ammo

Revolver with Plenty of Ammo

2x tins of beans

2x pepsi

1x Morphine

3x Bandage

2x Pain killers

I do scrap the tins when I find a animal as I then carry about 5 or 6 cooked meat with me as this will do for when I have lost blood.

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smoke grenades: Maximum 3. Very handy for moving zombies from a heli crash site or deerstand.

heatpacks: None. They're extremely common so if I ever need one I'll just loot any random place and use it on the spot.

grenades: I think I'd carry 4-5 max, never got to that number though.

chemlights: None.

roadflares: None.

food/cooked meat: I'll carry 2-3 cans of beans, but if I get meat I'll carry 4-8 and drop the beans.

soda/water bottles: No soda, 2 water bottles.

painkillers: 2.

morphine: 2-3.

bloodbags: 1.

bandages: 4.

Primary mags: Depends on the weapon. As many as I can carry and will drop some things for more if it's like stanag or something, but winchester and lee enfield and other easy ammo to find weapons = 3-6.

Secondary mags: 6.

Edited by Angryofficer

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I carry an assault rifle and 3 mags, a sniper in the bag with 2 mags, pistol with 3 mags.

5x bandages, 2x cantines, 2x food items, 2x morphine, 2x painkillers, 1-2x blood bags, and 1 road flare.

Edited by ZombieBait

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I usually carry a lot of smoke grenades to distract zombies while im looting.

Primary weapons: M4A1 CCO SD and L85 AWS

Secondary: PDW

all sd mags even for a non-sd gun

2 pain killers

2 morphine

2 bandages

1 water bottle(seeking 1 more)

all the tools including radio(love the transmissions near green mountain)

at least 3 cooked meat

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Right now I'm happy if I carry:



5 bandages

2 morphine

2 painkiller


2 heatpacks

and as many cooked meat as my bag(s) will hold after that.

I'm a pure survivalist lol. I was all fretting about matches until I realized you can cook over the metal drum fires. It's no big deal to sneak into town and cook up a bunch of meat, so I stopped worrying about finding matches. That said, I actually did find some today. O_o

I have a map, compass, and watch too... and just today I found a fold-up shovel.

I'm not a big guns and ammo person. My husband will hop on and play (we share a computer and game so we therefore share a character) and he'll be dropping stuff to pick up every bullet or clip he finds, whether he has a gun for it or not. Ugh. :X

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AK74u kobra


1x canned goods

1x drink

1x morhpine

1x blood blag

1x heatpack

don't really use chemlights/flares because I don't play in dark.

IN TENT: Barrett m107 sniper (I think) (looted from a tent)


loads of cooked meat

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I need to be less paranoid. The amount of med supplies I carry compared to you guys is ridiculous... I'm like a mobile hospital.

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M4A1 Camo SD, 6 magazines.

DMR, 3 magazines.


M9 SD or G17 (absolute hard-on for G17), 6 clips


2x bandages

2x morphine

2x painkillers

2x bloodpacks

1x epi-pen

1x antibiotics (if i can find some)

1x heatpack


1-3x Canned Food/Cooked Meat

2x Water Bottle/Soda

1-3x Smoke Grenades

1-3x Frag Grenades

1x Road Flares (useful in limited situations. Still extremely ballsy to use)

1x Jerry Can (Never know when you'll roll up on a vehicle simply in need of gas!)

I try to get all the tools possible. And I try to get the best backpack available. Have found the coyote backpack a couple times but typically settle for the Alice Pack or Czech Backpack.

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Weapon: M4a1 cco sd with like 6 magazines and a M4 Holo, the one with grenade launcher, im switching between them like crazy, cant decide which one is better for me

gun: pdw lost it this morning, replace it only with another pdw

5-6 canteeens

2 flesh

2 blood bags

2 morphin

2 painkiller

1 bear trap

bit other stuff i find, mp5 mag for pdw etc or another weapon i place in my tent.

Edited by Rhygar666

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Coyote Pack, AS50 with 6 nato mags(or sometimes m107 mags), M4 CCD SSD with 6 mags(or sometimes a thermal L85), m9 sd pistol with 4 mags, 4 bandages, 2 water bottles, 2 cooked meats + nvgs ,rangefinder, axe, matches, compass, map, gps, watch, 2 or 3 blood bags, 2 morphines, 1 epi pen

+ whatever else i might pick up, sometimes a heatpack when its night and raining or extra bandages in the backpack + whatever useless toolbelt items i might find.

I don't know why someone would carry 6 water bottles.. the point of water bottles is that you can refill them and don't have to waste so much space in your inventory/backpack.

Sometimes i take a svd dragunov or m24 or DMR instead of the as50.

Edited by Vipala

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AK74u kobra


1x canned goods

1x drink

1x morhpine

1x blood blag

1x heatpack

don't really use chemlights/flares because I don't play in dark.

IN TENT: Barrett m107 sniper (I think) (looted from a tent)


loads of cooked meat

There doesn't even exist a weapon named AK74u, did you mean AKS-74?

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A shit-load of cola.

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An AS50 or M24, depending on my planned range/application.

If I'm alone, I leave my backpack mainly empty (so I can grab weapons off victims), if I'm with my squad, other people grab the weapons so I keep some kind of assault rifle, usually an M16 if I can.

Silenced M9

2-3 water bottles, 2-3 cooked meat, 2x blood bags, 2x morphine.

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M4A1 Camo SD




Cooked meat

Water bottles




edit: forgot my painkillers

Edit: Forgot my bandages. :lol:

Edited by Topper

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m4a1 cco sd with 6x mags, as50 or dmr (depending on if it's daytime or nighttime) with 6x mags, m9sd with 6x mags, 2x bandages, 2x meat, 2x water, 2x morphine, 2x grenade, 2x bloodbag, 2x painkillers and 2x epi pen most of the time, will always try to keep food/water/bandages at a minimum of 2

edit: forgot my painkillers

Edited by weeman0

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My top priorities are

- water (prefer a water bottle), as many as I can find

- food, as much as I can carry

- weapon (I prefer an axe, and an M1911 is always nice to have too)

- bandages, as many as I can carry

- bigger backpack

- map

- matches

- compass

- watch

- binos

- hunting knife

Never found antibiotics, rarely found morphine, compass is rare too but had them lately. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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