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Side Chat NEEDS to be server side options.

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I put it to the people who want sidechat back to continue posting new threads about this because it's the only way we can voice ourselves.

Rather than listen to the community that overwhelmingly wants communications back, they stick their heads in the sand and pretend not to notice.

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I'd really like side chat back, but it did get annoying when someone would come in and talk on their mic in that channel. Still, I had some good times meeting up/talking to randoms in side chat.

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I'd really like side chat back, but it did get annoying when someone would come in and talk on their mic in that channel. Still, I had some good times meeting up/talking to randoms in side chat.

Which is why admins already have the option to disable voice chat (at least, we do on Vilayer). I'm talking TEXT side chat.

Many servers already have it enabled and haven't faced blacklisting yet. The fact remains, removing it was an experiment, I get it but if you look at how the community reacts... it's all KoS. There is no in game community any more. No one can go meeting up with a total stranger. No one can talk to anyone else in game unless they are on direct or another chat program, which requires knowing people first.

It goes against everything that multiplayer gaming is about.

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i aggree with above comment i had lots of fun with side channel i feel it needs to come back :)

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Fully agree I want it back!

It would be good for it to be a client side option aswell. So if your one of these players that like "immersive games" and dont want the side chat to pop up you can simple turn it off..

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The side channel IS an server option, but rocket has instructed server owners not to use it. some servers still have the side channel enabled.

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