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Emerica (DayZ)

To play on this server remove listed files

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I ended up giving up on this and uninstalled everything. Im gonna download windows 7 on my computer and then try this again. My brother has same computer as me but he has windows 7 and he said he downloaded and played it with no problem. Im also downloading arma 2 by itself and gonna run it and then download OA and run that and go from there :)

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Oh my god i finally got on!!!! I downloaded the 1.05 to 1.11 patch and it updated my arma2 and now i can play. Thanks for the time and help fellas, Much appreciated

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I'm having the same problem, downloaded steam, arma 2, arma 2 AO, Dayz mod, says to play delete these files, so I did the revert process and now I need to do the chernarus files but I don't understand what to do with them,, please explain?

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Quickest way to fix this.


1. Open up arma 2

2. Open up arma2OA

3. Select arma2/addons folder, right click and copy.

4. Navigate to arma2OA, right click to paste.


The proper way is to update the command line -mod=ARMA2PATH


We do have a post explaining in more detail but i have no idea where it is.

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1. Navigate to your arma 2 folder 

2. Navigate to your arma2OA folder

3. Select arma2/addons folder, right click and copy.

4. Navigate to arma2OA, right click to paste.

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now I need the community crossbow, dayz.pbo, dayz_buildings.pbo, dayz_code.pbo, dayz_communityassests.pbo


What do I need to do now?


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now I need the community crossbow, dayz.pbo, dayz_buildings.pbo, dayz_code.pbo, dayz_communityassests.pbo


What do I need to do now?


Have you downloaded DayZ mod via steam yet? Are you trying to play vanilla or some other variant? 

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yes I downloaded steam, bought arma2 and arma 2 AO from the steam website, and downloaded dayz mod, it opens and everything then if give me the remove files list and when I copy the files and move them like everyone says I says im missing cheranus, then I tried what r4z0r said and it says im missing the community crossbow, dayz.pbo, dayz_buildings.pbo, dayz_code.pbo, dayz_communityassests.pbo files,


so I have no clue. but I really wanna play...

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The files your missing now is the mod not sure how your missing the mod if you have download dayzMod on steam.

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downloaded arma 2

downloaded arma 2 AO

ran both, downloaded dayz mod

downloaded dayz commander and updated dayz, waiting on dayz epoch, and dayz taviana


Still says community crossbow and and all that like before.

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