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i seem to be missing something

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Six didn't update to, im still on .4

Did i miss something? whats going on? there are servers rolling with .5

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Read the announcements section.

The patch is avaialble for optional upgrade... it was supposed to hotfix a few problems, namely the artifacting... but it seems to have caused other problems, and in some cases not even solved existing ones.

I would recommend waiting for it to be officially put through to Six Launcher before messing with it. Just my personal suggestion...


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SixUpdater will only host the update once we have confirmed we are satisfied with the update

Please do not grab this update, and then QQ because you can't find a server. Install to a new @dayz mod folder and use when servers become available

If you want to be a part of the "the real test team", then go grap 1.7.3 and try find a server that use the latest patch. Not many have their servers updated yet, because 1.7.3 is still very new, therefore not fully "bug" free. When Rocket confirms the patch is 100% ready, it will be official on Six Launcher.

Edited by Flexho

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oh ok cool ill wait then... i guess i can live with the artifacting... does anyone know whats wrong with .5?

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Nothing is "wrong" with it, it's just a new patch, therefore not 100% bug free as i said. You know, that this game is a alpha game, therefore we are considered as one big test platform. They got nothing else to test it on.

What i've heard, there is still problems with Artifacting, and people changing skins lose inventory.

Edited by Flexho

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Zombies behave nicer, but artifacting isn't always gone and in some cases worse than before.

Some people are also having issues with cars and tents losing gear worse than usual... and of course the new "spawn on the beach whenever the game feels like it" feature, which is supposed to be some counter measure for server hopping... though it seems to fire off whenever it feels like it. So far I've spawned on the beach like 10 times (after logging out to fix the artifacts still) or more, and had to RUN back to camp in the far north.

Other than that's it's pretty ok... inventory still broken, and database is a mess... you know, the usual.


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