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Remove livestock/animals/raw meat from the game

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What you mean like back in the day before supermarkets? When our ancestors used to preserve meats and other food stuffs to get through the hard winters.

Livestock has to stay. It makes sense that loners would completely avoid towns and become self sufficient.

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I thought a primary purpose of the game was to be a sandboxed open ended survival game. To do that you need to make multiple play styles viable so players get to choose. This suggestion would be forcing one kind of gameplay on everyone. The game needs more options for variable play styles, not less.

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now good luck OP to rise your blood from 800 to 12k using only canned food, without server hoping in a store.

if you do that, then i will agree with you that meat should be removed

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It would punish solo players that rely on gaining blood from meat. I don't think this helps more than it hurts

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