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Fooz (DayZ)

Why Not Remove The Army Bodies?

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Now I was 50/50 on posting this because I figured it's such a simple solution that if it was possible they would have already done it, but I thought I might as well ask if anyone, maybe even one of the devs knows if this is possible, because they don't add anything at all to the game except graphic issues.

The only reasons it hasn't been done I can think of are:

1. It isn't possible for some reason

2. It would require everyone to re-download the map (Which I would do, but I can understand people having an issue with this)

3. Least likely option - They have not thought of it, I highly doubt this but if they haven't then this could be a potential fix

So yeah, why don't they remove the bodies and fix the graphic bugs?

Edited by Fooz

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This is actually something rocket mentioned as a possible solution, but it is a bit of a bother to do it.

Plus, the graphics issues are very erratic: a lot of people, myself included, have only very sporadic issues right now, some have absolutely no issues and yet others absolutely can't play.

So I think they're looking into what could be causing this for some people and not others, rather than simply removing the models -- which would solve the issue, but not prevent it from resurfacing with yet other models in the future.

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True, I so rarely got the bug before the most recent patch that was 'supposed' to fix it, but now its simply made it worse..by far, Im getting it alot not, even from something as silly as a rock or 2 in the ocean, its terrible :'(

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Im with Fooz on this. They provide absolutely no use at all. Most of the time they just vanish and pop back up depending on where you point your mouse view anyway.

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I replaced the models in the latest "officially supported" version ( with the animation files from, and I no longer have game breaking visibility issues.

I'm not sure why they don't just rollback the current build of that file... I can't see anything that they may have changed, not at least for the better.


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When I play on low settings I have massive issues with this. When I play on normal settings I sometimes have issues.

Restarting or using the flush command fixes it.

However, it would be wonderful if those bodies were removed. They don't add anything in an Alpha / test version... unless they want to test that specific model and figure out what is going on.

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