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Need players to join bandit only group

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Looking for some trigger happy people to join my friend and I in our bandit only group. We shoot everyone we see regardless of weapons, or anything. Just add me on skype: connorisdabest1

We have some medical supplies and food and water. We've killed over 13 people so far, and know how to carry ourselves.

(No point in crying about our ways, I have been killed too many times, and now I will get revenge.)

Edited by hawks484

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Couple friends and I and going to be setting up a new bandit clan later. We have our own server and we're going to need trigger happy people like you and your friend to join us. If you're interested we can talk tonight, we're looking for people 18+, no kids :)

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wrong place to put post. kids :/

And here I thought we were on the forums. I also find that most people who type "kids" usually are kids themselves, or at least at heart. You annoy me. Nothing helpful to say, don't talk.

Edited by Dazed
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He means this is not the forum for bandits. Go post this in the bandits forum. :rolleyes:

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He means this is not the forum for bandits. Go post this in the bandits forum. :rolleyes:

Oh I know that, doesn't make him any less an annoying little brat :)

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Why is this in the survivor forum? You won't find many other player killers in here.

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I'm sure I can find a super recipe for macaroni cheese to post in the bandits forum! :rolleyes:

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I'm sure I can find a super recipe for macaroni cheese to post in the bandits forum! :rolleyes:

Still bumping buddy.

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I am extremely trigger happy and always shoot on sight. Nobody can survive me once they see me. Message me the info, I will be happy to murder absolutely anybody - I am basically invulnerable

This is most definitely not a trap. I have absolutely no urge to murder murderers of unarmed potential murderers.

Edited by GhostPressure

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