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New players, I am giving out free stuff.

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I enjoy gathering the gear and items more than actually using them. Aside from banditry, which I tried a bit and didn't have the gumption to continue with, there isn't much for me to do in this game besides meet new faces, and keep on surviving.

I will be giving my entire load-out away to the first new player to contact me (please actually be new or relatively new).

all tools except gps

4 cooked meat + 4 water bottles

Dmr + 2 mags (sniper rifle)

Ak74 kobra + 2 mags (assault rifle with sight)

G17 + 4 mags (sidearm pistol with flashlight)

Morphine/pain pills/bandages - the other medical supplies are useless for me as a lone-wolf player.


I do have an alice pack, and im willing to trade that for your default pack coyote pack, if you want it.

Contact me on skype: doxs333

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First player has contacted me to receive items. I will update this thread after I have gathered a new load-out. Appreciate the interest.

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Just so you know, there isent alot of new players on the forum :P They register later on when they know the game better,

Though if no noob wants the stuff, i just died and i would love some new stuff.

But yeah, if no noob wants it

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Actually Chronicles, there are new player on here.

I for example joined while I was still downloading dayz

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Everything in this thread is worth giving away but the DMR. There's your red flag.

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First load-out has been given away to a player from Norway. Took some time, because I am actually on the West coast of America, so we had some trouble locating a server we both could connect on, as well as locating each other in game wasn't easy because he did not have a map. I have asked him to report back in this thread what transpired, so people wont be worried about taking free stuff from me in the future.

A new player has little or nothing to lose, there is no reason for me to set them up. I gain nothing from killing them.

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I just got the items from doxs, we talked through skype and everything went ok. This is not a trap or something like that, and he WONT kill you.

And he got no reason to kill noobs, because they dont usually wear any gear of any kind.

This will help me to continue playing without getting overwhelmed by zombies, or killed by other players.

Thanks doxs, you are a true helper!

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I just got the items from doxs, we talked through skype and everything went ok. This is not a trap or something like that, and he WONT kill you.

And he got no reason to kill noobs, because they dont usually wear any gear of any kind.

This will help me to continue playing without getting overwhelmed by zombies, or killed by other players.

Thanks doxs, you are a true helper!

Hmmm, this person has one post. Time to check Hinaru's post again.

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Hmmm, this person has one post. Time to check Hinaru's post again.

Yes, unfortunately most new players haven't created forum accounts to actually post. Believe or disbelieve it's authenticity all you wish. Also, I am specifically looking for new players, people that have little or nothing to lose, by taking me up on this opportunity. As sula stated the only thing I could possibly be doing that was not on the up-and-up was forcing my humanity lower by killing people, but honestly there are probably faster, and easier ways of lowering humanity then spending my time starting fresh, gathering a decent set of gear, and then trying to setup an ambush on a lone player through an elaborate forum troll.

I am currently collecting another load-out, had the guy from Norway test the DMR out on me:)

When I have a decent load-out I will report back here, or edit my original post.

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