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EDIT: (1.54) Still losing gear when switching to bandit or from bandit

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EDIT 1.54: Confirmed this is still happening.

When you switch to bandit, or from bandit to survivor you get teleported to the ocean and lose all your gear.

There is still a major bug that wasn't fixed in last patch.

If you turn into bandit or from a bandit to a survivor you lose your inventory in your backpack.

Not sure if this is something that can get priority as it is really limiting. The bug report thread for this has been updated but It was created before 1.53 addressed it.

Just want to make sure it isn't forgotten.

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If it's easier to just take the game mechanic out until its fixed, I know quite a few people who would prefer that. They are waiting to play until it is resolved in fear of losing their gear.

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I just lost my camo svd with a few extra mags today because of that bug :(

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then either try not to switch.

If you're a bandit kill people not to turn into a survivor, and viceversa.

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If you're a bandit kill people not to turn into a survivor, and viceversa.

I want to play a "friendly bandit style" (to kill other gangsters, explore world and so on (with gangsta skin)), but I have always to kill all the survivors to preserve the humanity of the negative. Kill for the sake of killing (for stable negative humanity) every newbie with Makarov - it imho ruin "roleplay gameplay". :dodgy:

Automatic growth of humanity must be disabled for true bandits. :idea:

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I want to get my humanity back up but am forced to kill people until the bug is fixed. Others are saying they are teleporting out to the ocean on when re joining.

Still think the mechanic should just be taken out until the bugs are ironed out.

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No news of a fix in 1.54, assuming this is still a problem?

Can anyone confirm that they are aware of this since patch 1.53?

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Bug Report thread that was created PRE 1.53. Is still saying this is happening.

Can we just lose the bandits already?

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Rocket, just want to make sure you know this is still a problem

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Also had this happen to me today. Spawned in the ocean and now having trouble logging in to any servers. I support the suggestion to just remove the bandit skin all-together for now.

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This has been a problem since 1.52, Rocket said it was fixed in 1.53 and should be fixed in 1.54.

We will now be on 1.55, please just take out the bandits already :)

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Rocket has already said it would be easier to take out bandits as they are causing a lot of trouble and taking him away from other features. He put it up to a vote and most people agreed (I believe, couldn't tell from the poll results)

We have gone two patches without it being fixed, with one patch that was supposed to directly fix it.

By this time, I would think it would be easier to remove the feature until more time can be devoted to it. Rather then implement new features.

I understand what an Alpha is. But this bug is stopping people, including myself from even playing as they don't want to lose their gear if they have to shoot someone.

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Again: Test first, enjoy second. If you're concerned about losing loot, you shouldn't really be in a testing alpha in the first place.

But, if Rocket has said it's out, I can promise I won't be complaining.

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No, I'm not referring to you specifically, and of course reporting bugs is the most important thing we can do. :)

I'm referring to those who would stop playing / testing simply because they are afraid of losing gear. But, that being said, obviously you shouldn't continue testing a game if you're not getting any satisfaction out of it whatsoever.

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Back on topic i have a 100% hit rate with this bug. I now drop bags when possible switch, then pick back up. However if you bug on the reload (character data received from server appears despite your toon being in server) then the pack is not visible for that player

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I was going to take it out, but then I realized I was simply taking short term easy with long term hard way. The reason its not working is because the code I use to swap is a underdeveloped and I didn't want to work on it. I need to deal with this eventually to allow you to change clothes in the game anyway.

So I just cowboy'd up.

And, as Oilman said, the state of the mod is very early in the SDL. The popularity of the mod has been a bit or a surprise given it only just went Alpha. I've probably been modifying my approach a bit much, the SDL is the way it is for a reason and I guess I need to just toughen up and be firm about it.

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Thank you for the reply Rocket.

And like I have said earlier I completely understand, and have been supportive from the beginning.

From the get go I just wanted to make sure you were aware that this was still an issue since 1.52 patch. Bugs are bugs, and an Alpha build is going to have them.

I only kept bringing it up because it appeared that you weren't aware it was still happening (in terms of the 1.53 changelog and the response when I asked if it was still happening in 1.54)

My personal choice to wait until it is fixed is shared by those I like to play with. But that is my own deal, I enjoy the game thoroughly, I just don't want to lose my gear to bugs again if I can avoid it.

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Yeah, don't go soft into it. I've seen plenty of very decent mods fail (And been majorly involved in one of them) because they went 1.0 too early, and so were considered 'finished' by the public in an extremely underwhelming state.

It's better to spend three months debugging an important feature than to spend a day removing it, especially where code is concerned. (That being said I wouldn't know about SQF, or whatever Arma uses, though I've heard its similar to C.)

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That's the key reason why I haven't rolled back the likely change that causes DC to work unreliably. Having players in another body is necessary to ensure saving works on disconnect, which is the only really effective way to prevent a number of the key exploits.

SQF is pretty similar to C, but its not the engines code, and it has some very peculiar aspects to it particularly regarding locality.

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I guess I thought it would be easier to remove the mechanic that is bugging 100% of the players who encounter it, while you hammer out the code. And then re-implement it in a better state.

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It's a shame that not every language is as easy or as accesible as C, but I'm guessing if it were, a mod like this wouldn't be remotely possible.

Anyway, good to hear you're dedicated to a steady but sure progress through the Alpha portion of the project. You've got more patience than I. :p

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Is there any best guess eta when this might be addressed - either through coding or removing the feature?

If you tell me 3 months thats cool, it's your schedule.

More people are confirming this is effecting everyone 100% of the time.

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