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Some way to conceal or hide the equipment you are carrying

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Hey, Ive got a nother idea how to make the player interactions even more tense than they are now.

How about adding some kind of scarf. wrapper or case that you can use to put your main weapon in, so noone can actually see what are you carrying. Sure, it will leave you with nothing but a gun or an axe/crow bar and it will take additional time to get your main weapon out of it before you use it, but it will also add this layer of uncertainty where you can shoot a player and get a a cheap double barel shotgun and on the other side, you wont make yourself a primary target by showing off your AK or any good NATO weapon to all the players that can spot you.

What do you think about that guys?

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Very difficult suggestion. It would be much work for programming i think and when i think about it, you would somehow see that you wrapped you gun in some sort of towel and so i

Edited by Rudson

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Ok, so all of you are just shooting on sight. OK, I guess its of no use then. But let me ask a question. Is it just me or does anyone else prefere to try and kill players with better gear and leaving the small fries alone to strugle with the game? O.o

And not, I dont think it would requiere a lot of programming, it would be just one model that would always look the same doesnt matter what kind of weapon is inside of it, its just swapping two models. If they can make hatchets work in ranged only game, why not this? No, Im not trying to defend my idea, Im just trying to explain. And yes, it would probably be a signal that the player has something to hide from the others, that is a good point actually, so I guess youre right ... oh well

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Ignore those guys. Most people don't kill on sight. Bandits are actually a minority of the player base. They just want to pretend that they are playing the game the way it was "intended" when they're actually outcasts.

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then.. people will be shooting new spawned players. Because you dont know if hes got a gun or not so its worth a try.

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