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Server not saving Tent Items, Vehicle Items, Heli location.

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So since last night after my server restarted, Nothing is saving anymore. The tents dont save after a server restart, and if we take something from them they just get duped back into the tent.

Same thing with the Car trunks, they're not saving anything and just have the SAME stuff after the restart.

Meanwhile our chopper spawns in the same place no matter where we put it...

i posted in bug section too but it hasnt been accepted/ I thought maybe another server owner would have some experience with this.

Any help on how to resolve the issue would be appreciated.

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Well, my GAZ wont save, my tractor turned into a motorbike, my pickup resets to about 2 days ago each time, my pushbike turned into a tent.

Other than that its fine and bug free..............

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Well, my GAZ wont save, my tractor turned into a motorbike, my pickup resets to about 2 days ago each time, my pushbike turned into a tent.

Other than that its fine and bug free..............

thanks for the info, but its useless.

Welcome to dayz


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Well now you know its not just you and your server but after your reply im sorry I bothered and certainly won't anymore.

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Same for us after

Tents won't save. So new items in them dissapear. Vehicles are insane. After server restarts they swap position and swap what they are:

A blue van became a hilux, the red lada became a bike.

As far as I can tell, when the server resets, everything goes back to how it was before the patch. This is really messed up.

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A car becoming a bike, finally I know what rocket ment with something for the lulz in B)

But seriously except from that this all happens at our server too... At (july 15th or something) everything worked with them, since it's fucked up.

Actually I'm positive about this getting fixed as the duping was made difficult since last update despite of rockets statement that this won't ever be fixed in the mod.

Hopefully 1.7.3 takes care of that. Than for most of the players beyond "survive day 1" the game is currently quite annoying. Sure, in the short run it's nice to have all items duped in the tents after server restarts... but well would be nicer if the tents could actually be used for what they are ment.

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Definitely happening on our server too. Things worked perfectly in but since, after a server reboot vehicles revert to their saved position (and contents) as of wherever they were with Tents do the same thing. New tents can be placed but they will not save any contents at all even after a reboot.

Our server is running:


HIVE 0.7.3

Arma Beta 95883

We have also experienced the report of vehicles swapping spots with each other like Tobosaku said in his post.

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Definitely happening on our server too. Things worked perfectly in but since, after a server reboot vehicles revert to their saved position (and contents) as of wherever they were with Tents do the same thing. New tents can be placed but they will not save any contents at all even after a reboot.

Our server is running:


HIVE 0.7.3

Arma Beta 95883

We have also experienced the report of vehicles swapping spots with each other like Tobosaku said in his post.

Were currently tho, i did upgrade to .5 tho but downgraded since it wasnt in Six launcher.... This shit is annoying man.

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I'm having exactly the same issues on…

  • Helicopter doesn't save its position, items, or state of repair (goes back to spawn positon on restart with 5 soda cans and unrepaired)
  • Tents don't save items after the first save (and that first save has to be by the owner of the tent)
  • Other vehicles keep location and repair state but don't save items

We can live with the vehicles and tents, but the helicopter not holding position or items is a little frustrating when you've spent hours repairing it.

Edited by robhawkes
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Same issue on our dedicated server... Did anyone roll back to and see if the HIVE saves then?

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Well you can find several topics in this forum reporting the same issue before the release. In my case this came up with the patch.

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Roll back to The latest update is just plain broke.

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Same issue, data base is not saving correctly, tents disappear and vehicles revert to original pre-repaired status. We also seem to be having excessive server / data base desyncing, anyone seeing this?

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We have moved back to because of these issues, its a waste of time trying to do anything. Won't be upgrading until things are fixed.

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Maybe not a fix but worth a try. Reboot the server once again. The tent will be back (on my server it was) After the tent came back picked it up looted all the gear with a mate ingame. Reboot the server once again, and the tent was there again. End of conclusion, rebooting server and saving tents/picking them up again, got us an extra one... o.O

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