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What a day! I died but life was worth every moment!

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I'd been travelling for two days, trying to reach my pal, Spectre. He'd died but managed to get a message to me asking me to get to his base camp urgently, and to save his tents.

Only problem was, I was across the other side of the map. It would mean running all night. But he'd asked for my help and couldn't let down a pal. No compass, no good at reading the stars, I headed for the direction I thought was right. An hour later I found myself on the outskirts of the NW Airfield. Unbelievable 1) I had travelled for an hour in the wrong direction and even more unbelievable, 2) I wasn't dead!

I got out of their as fast as I could. Still can't believe I wasn't sniped a hundred times! :o Of course, I eventually got bitten by a zombie - you know, the special ones that aren't meant to exist - that see perfectly well in the dark. <_< Yet again, medics saved my life. Actually, the same medic, who has saved me many times these last few weeks, MikaelM. And then he offers to escort me back to a safer location. I cannot believe my good fortune. I get expert company and charming conversation too. :thumbsup:

We head for the sector where Spectre's base is located, and then I remember we're going to have to change servers, as I was not on the one where he keeps his camp!

But nope, life is never that simple. I can't access the server, wrong version of beta! :o OMG what am I going to do? The tents will be lost if I don't save them. Then MikaelM volunteers to a save them. I'm so grateful I could hug him. So we're talking on skype and he asks if I had said 3 tents as he can see 5. Odd. Yes, should have been 3. But we didn't worry about it too much. We had done what we needed to do, and it was time for me to get some sleep. I thanked MikaelM and he headed off into the wilderness, why I settled for the night.

Next day, I meet up with Spectre and he's shocked to find 5 tents at his camp. He's even more surprised to find his weapons gone! This looked bad for me as I was the only one there but he knew that I was happier with an axe than a weapon and I'm not the sort of person who steals from friends. Then he tells me there's a small base close by that he spotted on the way, and we decide to go check it out. He says he thinks it's possible someone there took his weapons.

He recons the area and we move in. The tent's full and one of the weapons is the same version as one of the stolen ones. We take it and move out, deciding to make our way through the wilderness to the nearest town. On the way, we come across a car. It appears to have been deserted. We jump in but it's hell to drive in the wilderness and we leave it.

Suddenly, I spot somemone in the far off distance. We hit the ground but Spectre's convinced the player saw us. I told him, we're not out looking for a fight, let's stick to our plan, head to town. He's probably just heading to his camp and we need to get to town. So we back off and head on our way. Luck looks like it's favouring us because we find a truck! We discuss taking it as we could get to town much quicker and it could have been here a while. Suddenly we hear another vehicle approaching! Quick! Get in and let's get out of here!

Spectre gets in and as I join him - a headshot kills me instantly! It seems that while we were out for a friendly trek, we had been stalked by killers. Spectre escapes, but lies low, watching. He tells me it's a small group and they've taken over his camp. Now we know who's been stealing his stuff. He tries to fight back, lobbing a grenade, taking shots from the distance but he's out numbered. Last thing I heard was Spectre was shot trying to get his camp back. Hopefully, we'll meet up today sometime. What a great day. It's worth dying when you have an adventurous day. I managed to survive four and a half days and loved every minute of it. :D

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That is the kind of attitude you need to have when playing DayZ, as there is no actual goal or "you win!" in it. You're all geared up and been alive for 4 days and you just stay in the wilderness and survive on animals and water bottles? Great for you, but you're not "playing" the game, you're just hoarding and staying away from player, cowering in fear. You should not be afraid to lose your gear, you should not be afraid to come across other players, else you're just not playing the game. Go to town, kill/team with other player, LIVE the game instead of just surviving away from civilization. If you don't die at least once a week, you're either a camping sniper or a hoarding coward. Go get killed, it'll do you good. There's nothing like the feeling of starting over and not being afraid to lose the low-end gear you just got.

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Oh right. Initially when you wrote I thought you were saying that was what I was doing. Then I realised you meant that that was how you felt others were playing dayz and you didn't like it. :beans:

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Things just keep getting better and better!

Having spawned on the coast, LVG agrees to meet up with me. I explain to him about my cunning to go find a hatchet and kill all the zombies with it. He laughs in my face and calls me stupid noob, shakes his head and says, "Come with me". So off we go, him slipping and sliding through the grasses, me trotting along upright asking "Where'd you go?". Suddenly I hear a familiar noise. A helicopter! :o :D LVG points out that standing in the middle of the field is just asking for a helicopter on your head and we get in! I'm in a copter up in the air and it's daylight. I could see the tiny little houses and roads and tree tops. Amazing just like real life. :thumbsup:

We get out of the helicopter and then change servers (security is tight) then we trek for a time. I've no idea where we are. We finally reach his camp. He has a few spare weapons in his camp and some food and drink. He tells me to help myself and I go straight for a can of beans and a piece of steak. He tells me he meant the weapons. :blush:

I ask him if he has an axe to spare and he laughs again. I'm starting to suspect he doesn't value the axe as much as I do. :huh: He gives me a gun of some kind and tells me it's good. It's long and gun-like so I guess it must be.

And then we're off. I'm back on familiar ground and head off to get some sleep. I arise the next day and meet up with Spectre. We decide to take up a couple of other players on their invite to travel North together. A day zombie killing, looting barns and farmhouses, trekking high and low, hunting and cooking our food follows. Finally, we stop at Stary. I don't want to go in because my gut tells me it'll be the death of us. But I decide to ignore my many years of experience and throw caution to the wind when I hear calls of "Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

We enter Stary carefully, on my belly I crawl forward telling Spectre, I can't see a thing because of the artifact.

By the time I finish the sentence I'm dead. I'm not surprised. <_<

Ah well, another fantastic day in Chernarus. Got kiss good bye to the night goggles, the map and such and get back out there and git me summore! :D :thumbsup:

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Certainly do in the game! :thumbsup: I accidentally ran to Berezino today. :(

I was trying to get to Elektro. Now I'm in Berezino with a blood of 5000. This would never have happened if you had been there to make sure that I wasn't left alone to my own devices. I can't be trusted! *zombie magnet*

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I can head towards Bere to blood bag you if you'll be on for a bit still, bit of a walk from Elek.

Edit: Finally here. >_>

Edited by Saucy

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Looking forward to meeting up with you soon, Saucy! :thumbsup:

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