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will dayz stand alone come to consouls

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I'm just going to say this...

PC gaming is expensive. It's because playing games like DayZ, Planetside 2, Minecraft, and other titles takes a huge amount of resources and power. Those things are expensive. If you want the best, you've got to be ready to shell out some cash.

That said, I believe PC gaming is actually not much more expensive if at all than console gaming is. I've been a PC gamer for over a decade, and I was a console gamer for a period of 5 years too. Right now, you can build an amazing computer that would run pretty much all of the upcoming titles at maximum graphics settings and power for a little over $1000. That's a lot. But you can build a cheaper one (such as the one my close friend just got) for closer to $500 that would still run ARMA II and BF3 at maximum. These up-front costs are rather large compared to the consoles, but the games available and the enduring viability of your machine make it worthwhile.

Also, games on PC are typically cheaper. Most Xbox games come out around $60 and stay there for quite some time, but you can get plenty of great PC games for much less. Take Minecraft and ARMA II for example. Minecraft is around what, $15-$20? And you also get the playability of hundreds if not thousands of fully functioning mods. ARMA II is likewise $15-$20 now, depending on where you buy it. You're not only buying ARMA II, but all of the mods available for it. I find that most true PC games you can buy are worth about 5-10 different console games. I'd rather have Skyrim on PC instead of ten brand-new console games, because after I finish Skyrim I can enjoy hundreds of game-changing mods for it.

Also, your PC will last you a long time. The more up-front cost you have to deal with, the longer it will last. My new $1100 machine will probably last me 5 years and still play new games well, and when the time comes that I need to upgrade it only certain parts will need to be upgraded, typically under $100. New consoles come out more frequently than that and are often more expensive (at least this was the trend, the next generation of consoles has been slow this time around). It may be close to a decade (unless technology really picks up) before I have to completely replace every part of my current machine and buy a new one. I had a top-of-the-line machine from 2001 until 2010. It was only able to play games like BF:BC2 on medium settings by the end, but I got my money's worth out of it. The kicker here is that your computer will be capable of many more things than your console here will, easily making it worth the tradeoff in my opinion.

Sure, your console may be cheaper, but the games you play on it are more expensive in a sense. You get about 10% of a PC game's value (read:not console ports) out of most console games. In my mind, you'd have to buy $600 worth of console games to get $60 worth of PC gaming experience.

Just my thoughts on the comparison some people brought up in the thread. I'm a PC gamer at heart, but I've had my fair share of consoles too. Especially the terrible Xbox 360.

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if you manage to attach a keyboard to your console :D

How would you manage Arma's 259 keys otherwise?

Hasn't someone made a topic on here with a guide on how to setup an Xbox controller?

I admit it didn't look practical with some of the assigned buttons, but it was possible.

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A good PC is an investment... and spending that tiny amount on a computer is nothing. It will last you 3-5 years easily, so stop being a tight-ass and just go get a computer instead of wishing for something that will never happen. Think of all the other cool shit you will be able to do as well... 8 year old computer.... I'm astounded that it even still works. Does it have valves and run on steam too?

PS. It's "consoles" not "consouls", just FYI,


lol not far from it and im not sure how it still works ether considering i have never used a firewall or a virus scaning program

it does whats needed though unless i want to play some video game

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OFP on console? The Codemasters shit games were on PS3 and X360, the original OFP was not on any console.

Also OP should be able to build a pretty decent PC for 300€.

You sir are wrong!


Came out 4 years later then pc version, but it was one of the few shooters on xbox I liked.

"Mirrors its PC version so closely that you could own just one version without missing much."

"Despite the fact Operation Flashpoint is over four years old it still remains fresh to this day. The game packs depth, authenticity and immersion in place of traditional gaming elements such as fun, leaving a simulation of war that's deliberately different to others out there."

A few quotes from some of the reviews for ya.

OFP: Elite = OFP: Cold Crisis but on consoles

Edited by kozzy

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It's called... "The DayZ community is much more mature than any console community." If it came to console, the amount of flamers, complainers, etc. would double, triple, or quadruple. On consoles, any nice player would be a thing of the past. You ever seen those console cod players who come onto PC, I.E., woodysgamertag, whiteboy7thst, seananners, wingsofredemtion.....? If you've ever seen their videos, you've never seen them act nice to any randoms they meet. It's absolutely rediculous, it's like they missed 50% of what the game was about.

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well first im a huge dayz fan i have watched somewhere between 15/17 hours of gameplay of it on yourtube and i have read everything on the wiki and i have been reading the forums for about a month

but i dont have it the reason is that my pc is about 8 years old and every other computer i have acess to evena couple of months old laptops cant run it and i have been asking around and to play dayz on low seting i would have to spend about £500 for a new pc i have about £2600 but i dont know if i rearly want to spend all that cash right now

anyway to the point i would rearly love it if the stand alone came to consouls or more specificaly ps3 as i dont have an xbox 360 so is there any news on the posibility of it coming to ps3/xbox 360 or just rumors and when is the estemated release date of the stand alone

yeaa, no.

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OFP on console? The Codemasters shit games were on PS3 and X360, the original OFP was not on any console.

Also OP should be able to build a pretty decent PC for 300€.

You sir are wrong!


Came out 4 years later then pc version, but it was one of the few shooters on xbox I liked.

"Mirrors its PC version so closely that you could own just one version without missing much."

"Despite the fact Operation Flashpoint is over four years old it still remains fresh to this day. The game packs depth, authenticity and immersion in place of traditional gaming elements such as fun, leaving a simulation of war that's deliberately different to others out there."

A few quotes from some of the reviews for ya.

OFP: Elite = OFP: Cold Crisis but on consoles

Cheers Kozzy, saved me the work.

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im not saying pc grpahicaly isent the best i am saying though that pcs arent perfect not everyone wants to spend £1000 on a computer that needs expensive new parts every few years and you have to be a nerd to use it you have to know how to fix it if it breaks to add patches to know how to mod it and you have to put up with all the anti piracy crap

by comparison my ps3 cost £134 for the most part its hassle free its cheap i can play split screen co op on it thats another thing you cant do on pc i can allso use motion controlers and stuff allso i can play on my 42 inch plasma on my ps3 i have heard you can get your computer to work on your tv but from what i have heard most people dont plus playing on a pc is less comfortable on a console you can relax

so this whole pc is the mother fucking best crap is a bit silly its like saying a sports car that cost 500 grand is far better than a second hand car that cost 1 grand sure it is but is the price diference worth it

Edited by resistence1993

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I think current gen consoles would cry if they had to render the world of DayZ, not to mention the sheer lack of buttons available on the controller. You'd end up with key combos or separate menus for simple actions like vaulting

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Protip; never buy from retail. I bought this computer for 1000$+ tax, The actual cost of the parts are 600-700$. I really wish I knew what I know now about computers when I bought this. But hey, it can run Arma 2 on med. Its also strange that nobody said this, the graphics card in your ps3 is like 3-4 years old and its impossible to upgrade it. You can upgrade a pc graphics card easily if the motherboard/gpu is up-to-date. Not only that but you use your entire keyboard for arma, there is NOT enough buttons for a controller. Really, just invest in a good PC, its worth the money...

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OFP on console? The Codemasters shit games were on PS3 and X360, the original OFP was not on any console.

Also OP should be able to build a pretty decent PC for 300€.

It was actually.

Cold War Crisis on the original Xbox.

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