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ragequit (DayZ)

let me drink from lake/tap without a bottle

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Can we at least hold on to some civilization?

First we drink without a bottle

Next we're cannibals.

You'd be suprised at just how many people have asked for cannibalism.

Edited by Bukethead

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Yes we should drink from a lake. Hope they allow this.

No this doesn't make the canteen useless. You can still use it to take water on the go.

Also wouldn't mind if they added an infection chance to the water. If you don't sanitize it somehow you increase your chance of getting sick.

There a lot of realism tweaks this mod needs. But considering its an alpha its shaping up real nice.

Can't wait to see the beta.

Edited by Nonlin
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Just give the function for on-the-spot drinking to an empty food tin can held in the inventory so acts as a quasi-cup.

Could be built on as other things get added, like empty food tin cans used with fires for boiling the water (sterilisation) or (packets of dried soup + water + fire = hydration and food), while empty drinks bottles like the JD one get used for chemical water sterilisation (tablets etc)

The canteen should only really be of use for transporting extra water to drink from while tin cans cannot transport water but allow water to be drunk (& later use with fires).

Perhaps categorise water as:

  • Water wells in town = drinkable with high risk #1 of zombie infection – needs sterilisation.
  • Water in ponds = drinkable with medium risk #1 of dysentery/etc infection – needs sterilisation or multiple antibiotic dose over time.
  • Water reservoir (water held behind a wall)= drinkable with low risk #1 of minor infection – needs sterilisation or single antibiotic dose.
  • Sea water = drinkable but hydration last 1/2 the amount of time AND each subsequent drink of seawater last 1/2 of the prior hydration time, i.e. the 4th successive drink would e.g. be 6.25% the hydration time of fresh water (must be able to go into negative values so can kill by dehydration) - can be desalinated with rare item of equipment + fire.

#1 = risk diminishes the longer the survivor/bandit lives – so after X period of play or X number of sterilisation’s or X completed antibiotic dose immunity is granted. (immunity via not sterilising and using antibiotic dose should happen faster than immunity where sterilisation has been used)

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It's a bit of a fanwank, but I always thought of the canteen as having a purification kit. That's why it allows you to safely drink water from questionable sources, and why you can't safely drink from those sources without it.

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Can't believe nobody has said this. I know everybody has seen how big the canteen is, yet in one sitting, you drink it all? It is an apocalypse...Meaning you would ration your food/water better. Nobody in their right mind would drink that whole canteen right away. They need to make it you drink sodas whole, and water canteens hold about 3 drinks. Makes canteen more reasonable since you can find drinks just about anywhere. If you die of thirst, you suck.

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close... jesus lay in a manger.. but yeah.. i can handle starting with an empty water bottle.. or maybe tin cans you can drink from but not store water in...

How can you drink from something if you can't store anything in it? You'd be drinking air. Just felt like pointing that out.

Anyway, while this would be realistic and feasible in real life, it would make soda and water bottles a waste of time. Never!

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How can you drink from something if you can't store anything in it? You'd be drinking air. Just felt like pointing that out.

Anyway, while this would be realistic and feasible in real life, it would make soda and water bottles a waste of time. Never!

He meant you can use it to drink water but you wouldn't be able to store the can in your pack because obviously, it would all spill out.

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I agree, you should not be able to simply drink the water from a lake, you may get dysentery or cholera and other nasty diseases..

it's a good idea to have several purification methods: boiling, distillation or using chemicals (Chlorine Dioxide, Iodine, Chlorine, Calcium Hypochlorite and Potassium Permanganate)

soo, yeah.. drinking from a lake - no way; drinking from wells - we can have that

I say Carmello the Science fellow heres got it right. Its pretty realistic. Drink straight from wells, that works. :thumbsup:

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I think there should be some type of purification process. I know my time out in the woods I've passed some pretty nasty lakes....

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I like the idea and a few times when I started a new live this also came into my mind - an animation like when making a fire place for drinking from a lake directly (going into crouch pos "doing" something with your hands for a certain period of time) would be great

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