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No more Perma Death....

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I have been noticing my humanity has consistenly carried over between deaths, not reverting like it did in the old days

anyone else getting this?

does a little vestige of our soul now carry over into the next life?

what does this mean for us?

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Humanity stays between lives mate

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It has always done that. If you've ever had a friend who loves to play bean wars in Cherno you can tell when you look at him from <5 meters away. Suddenly you hear his heartbeat going crazy.

The difference now is that you can SEE your humanity.

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No, because I don't die.

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You can change into camo or something and back and get reset :P until you log out at least.

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I still spawn with my bandit skin but after a few minutes it reverts back to the normal skin and my humanity stays at 0. Idk what's wrong with it but I thought it was strange.

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As long as skins stay in-game (hopefully not the final step for humanity in-game) then I'd like this to remain too. A little bit of permanence.

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yeah, i always had my bandit skin reset back in the old days

ive noticed killing zeds increases humanity.... anyone else notice any ways its working? contrary to the old system?

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As long as skins stay in-game (hopefully not the final step for humanity in-game) then I'd like this to remain too. A little bit of permanence.

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yeah, i always had my bandit skin reset back in the old days

ive noticed killing zeds increases humanity.... anyone else notice any ways its working? contrary to the old system?

Things I know haven't changed my humanity:

  1. Killing Zeds.
  2. Hanging out not killing anybody.

Although it's possible my humanity is just broken and has been since I started playing.

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My humanity was at 2650 this morning. Killed about 80 zeds today. Haven't touched anyone else. Humanity hasn't changed.

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I dont see my humanity at all do I need to download a new patch ? as six updater just had a new patch

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I dont see my humanity at all do I need to download a new patch ? as six updater just had a new patch

For the love of god, do not use six launcher. Download Commander launcher and you will be happy. It has clear updates for ARMA beta, dayz beta etc. It is so much better:


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ok I got dayz commander I still dont see humanity is there somewhere I can go to download the latest patch?

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