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The Respawn button hasn't been completely removed.

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When you press the escape button, the save button and respawn button appears clickable for half a second to a full second. If you're mouse skills are fast enough you can press the respawn button before it becomes un-clickable. If you miss, you can press escape again to return to the menu and you'll have another chance. I was curious what it would do since I thought Rocket removed it, I clicked the respawn button and what do ya know. It respawns you. Lost all my gear :) Haha, my fault there.

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When you press the escape button, the save button and respawn button appears clickable for half a second to a full second. If you're mouse skills are fast enough you can press the respawn button before it becomes un-clickable. If you miss, you can press escape again to return to the menu and you'll have another chance. I was curious what it would do since I thought Rocket removed it, I clicked the respawn button and what do ya know. It respawns you. Lost all my gear :) Haha, my fault there.

Cool story bro, It could use more dragons and shit but cool story...

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