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Pakistan Bandit William

[Elysium] LF exceptional, high skilled players for Tactial Squad

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Elysium has recently formed and we are looking to expand our squad. We have a background from FPS shooters and 3rd person shooters (such as Gears of War) and many more. I personally have had a background from intense raiding and hardcore progression in WoW (in top #10 US guild). We like to chill, find camps, kill survivors, and also torture them. We have a camp with a V3S, old hatchbak, red UAZ, tractor, and an atv. We recently had our chopper stolen from us when we were refilling. As you know, with 2 people, it is hard to keep hold of a chopper and refuel and scout out since refueling is a long process for the chopper. Please post what role/position you would like to fill in a post below and any other information you would like to provide. :)

Assualt: Open. (Available weapons: m4 cco sd, m4a3 cco, m16a2, m4a1, and many more.)

Support: Filled. (I will drop out of this position to Spot and Snipe. Available weapons: Mk 48, m249 saw, M136 Rocket Launcher.)

Sniper: Open. (Available weapons: AS50, m107, m24, DMR.)

Spotter/Sniper: Open. (Available weapons: L85 and Sniper weapons.)

Medic/Assault: Open. (Available weapons: Same as assault pack.)

We are looking to find our chopper or repair another one. We also have multiple tents but they are easier to spot than the V3S so we do not have them up yet. Tractor and other vechiles are hidden somewhere else. V3S is being used as storage at the moment. We will not show our camp until you are trusted. We are a young group but skilled and have past expierence in other games and have good situational awareness and looking for other players like this. We have been doing trades for weapons and other gear, we have all sorts of gear. Looking for ghillie suits at the moment because we only have camo clothing. Good luck!

Edited by Pakistan Bandit William
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spotter sniper or assault or medic would be awesome

Edited by luca1250

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i am good @ sniper weapons own my self atm as50 + m4a1 cco sd + 5ghillie + rf

so i can take role as spotter / sniper

Edited by Tterska

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Have you got a position for a decoy, attention drawer. Give me a basic packpack, a Lee Enfield and Makarov (so give me nothing) and il run through high profile areas like a noob, drawing sniper attention and flushing survivors. I believe this is the role for me in this game, i dont care for being geared and i love running the gaunlet.

Age: 33

Nationality: English

Time played: 6-8weeks

Most valued Loot: Primary = Hatchet/Knife/Matches, Secondary = Compass/Map

Favourite Weapon: M4a1 CCO SD

Current Loadout: Coyote Pack, Ghille Suit x2, M4a1 CCO, CZ 550 = All looted personally on the trip from Balota to Electro, you would think I would be happy but now i dont want to die, which means i'll stealth up north, get sick of the paranoia and out of boredom put all my gear in somebodys tent and kill myself, I love findging gear but hate having it.

Wouldnt mind helping you fix a Heli, just dont ask me to pilot, ever :)

Edited by ch0j1n
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You play in EU or US server?

If you are in EU I would like to "join". I'm a bandit, sniper/hunter, I usually don't camp a place and wait but run around all the map and hunt players down. In the end they always go in the same places so it isn't very difficult. For the moment I have 35 murders and 1 bandit kill, humanity around -100000. Full geared, but I'm running low on AS50 ammo. Usually "hunt" in the middle area, and rarely go north cause of the graphical bug that I can't fix in any way, so it is really hard to snipe people when you don't see nothing. If you let me in I won't really join you, cause I think I will just backstab you and snipe you all down at the first chance, however if you manage to find your chopper or use a car I can give you coords of all the corpses I "create" around the map if you want to go and loot them, in exchange you can leave some ammo and food so I can continue my job :) I don't wont any info about your camp, and never ever tell me anything about it! I know it sound strange... Have a nice day!

PS: I'm more then 18 but I wont give you any other info.

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Hey, i'd be intrested in filling up any of the spots that are left open, u seem like the exact group i'm looking for so i'm willing to adapt to any role! Pm me on skype: tepel4556 i'm 22 and from the EU.

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Hey! Im looking to join, trying to find a good group of people to mesh with, so far, im an excellent dirt bike driver, and a pretty good shot,

Hoping for eithor Combat Medic or Assault, however any role would be just as cool! Im also proficient with getting parts so i can help with that!

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Age 31

Location: UK

Requesting assault class.


Operation Flashpoint CTI veteran

Warfare player

ARMA2 campaigns.

Player of games since wolfenstein 3d

Have mic.


I am currently in a clan I think, but I am thinking of leaving if you accept me.

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I am very keen and interested in joining your clan, however, I understand you can't just accept any old players into your clan. I will tell you a little bit about myself and the role I would like to be and why I have decided to choose that role.


I would like to become a vigilante/spotter and a sniper because that is the main role I play at the moment. I am currently kitted out already with a DMR and plenty of ammunition.

I have been playing DayZ for well over a month now and I would class myself as a somewhat skilled player. I am looking for an experienced clan/team to join and Elysium seems perfect for me.

I am a very chilled back guy, always up for a laugh but at the same time I like to play the game from a serious point of view, but of course have fun at the same time.

I would class myself as a good sniper, I know how to use zeroing effectively and I know how to use different types of sniper rifles. I'm a good marksman and vigilante.

If Elysium was to raid/loot a town or city etc, I would always be prepared, I would watch over them with binoculars, and scout the surroundings looking out for any trouble or any signs of other survivors/bandits in the area.

Thanks, Kerr

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I would be willing to fill either a sniper/spotter role. I currently have ghillie suit, as50, range finders, nv goggles, m9sd, m4a1 cco sd and l85 thermal.

Edited by Ihazbuckit

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Started playing 2 months ago and havent stopped for a day yet. Have a 50cal on me now and id like to say i know my way around snipers. Seeing that you have spotter/sniper open id like to give it a go if thats cool with you. im 17 so i have some free time to get stoned and kill survivors haha. if you want you can add me on skype. I have teamspeak and vent.

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Name: Ben

Location: UK

Preferred Game Type: Sniper - Experience from real life combat situations *Designated Marksman in our Airsoft team*

Current Gear: M24 - Rangefinders/NVG's - M9SD - M4A1 CCO SD - Ghillie Suit.

Age: 15 - 16 in January

Background info: As mentioned before I am a Squad sniper or Designated Marksman in our 5 man team who play airsoft on a frequent basis

My play style whilst in DayZ is to have a look at the scenario before running&gunning, I will see how many hostiles are in my view and will asses the situation on the squad we have compared to theirs. I am 15, yes perhaps a little of putting but with 4 years of playing WoW in the top 30 guilds worldwide I have much gaming experience to offer aswell as a mature, yet serious attitude towards gaming.

I can play currently everyday, from the hours or GMT+1 - 8:00am - 11:00am *GYM* then from 2:00pm-??:am *?? = whatever time the squad needs, can do as long as my body will survive*

I am available to contact via Skype: Strayduos

Steam: TheFamiliarName

I also have a mic/TS3/Ventrillo

I’m looking forward to a reply from your squad

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this sounds pretty interesting id be willing to fill scout/assult if accepted

age: 24

location: US EST

have vent, ts, and skype

i know when to take things seriously, and when to be laid back.

shoot me a pm.

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Hi, me and my 2 friends are looking for a bigger group. We died cause of few hackers 30 mins ago, so we don't have anything, but until then we had m107, dmr, m4 sd, 2 coyote backpacks, 2 rangefinders 1 nvg, etc etc. We know our way around the map.

I'm usually the one going in for close range combat, while they cover me.

So I prefer Assault, or maybe support if avaliable. Dont realy care, but i don't like sniping, just not my style :)

And y, im usually team driver, kinda good at it.

Have ts3 and skype. Mail me on [email protected] if you want more info, and 3 good players to play with.

Btw we're all 18 years old, from Croatia, and we play every day.

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Name: Robert

Location: EU, GMT +1 timezone

Preferred Game Type: Sniper/Spotter ( but I can adapt to any role )

Age: 18

I started playing 2 months ago, but I have also played a lot of other FPS.

Currently I'm playing with 2 friends, who are also posting applications on this thread.

We all died today because of hackers, who killed us with laser rifles ( didn't even know you can hack that in ).

Before my character was alive for around 50 days and I had 20 kills ( most of them up north ).

We like to hunt other bandit/survivor groups especially if we're outnumbered.

I also know how to fly a heli :)

Friends: Sphinx03 an Simun27

Skype and Steam name: kumerle95

I also have great headset and TS3.

We all speak English very well, and like to have fun, but we're serious when necessary. Add me on skype to chat :)

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Server has been down for 2 days, having troubles getting to our camp, I still have all tools, nvgs, mk 48, and a coyote. Friend has a coyote and a DMR because of a trade we did to get the mk 48.

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What is your name?: Swift, that is my nickname and name, and what people can call me.

What is your age? Sixteen

How long have you been playing DayZ? Since mid-May/early June.

Where do you live? USA, East Coast.

What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Assault/Medic, always. I have been in two squads/clans before as this role, providing medium to close range support in a squad and being a guardian-angel to my comrades on the ground with my medical supplies and medium range rifle. I also enjoy the security of having medical supplies.

What can you bring to Elysium that you promise no other recruit can? I'm an eperexinced and well-rounded player, I take everything in terms of combat and assaults in all seriousness, I can handle and dish out jokes, I have access to TS3, Skype, and other voice-communication, I am an active player of DayZ, and already geared with a decent set.

Top-Murders on one life: Thirteen, due to a hacker I was teleported and killed.

Longest life: Fourteen-days

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