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New zombie Classes (big post)

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Runner: fast as hell but has low HP, found all over Dayz.

walker: walks but has standard HP, found all over dayz.

Titan: a boss zombie, high heath, does lots of damage per hit, drops awsome loot, found in big citys and millitary bases like NW air field.

Siren: mini boss, can't attack, higher than normal heath, has summoning ability that calls in more zombies, found in big citys.

L4D boomer: starndard speed, low heath, when killed it explodes, found in large towns, big citys and millitary bases.

Irraddiated zombie: standard HP and speed, can poison player, found in nuke power plants.

Fat zombie: slow, standard attack, higher than normal HP, found all over Dayz.

Gun nut: half infected human that uses M1911, low heath, drops M1911 and Ammo, found in big towns and millitary bases.

Leaper:mini boss, fast, standard heath, has jump attack, drops good loot, found in big citys.

Kid zombie: very fast, dies in one hit, standard damage, found all over dayz.

Axe zombie: uses an axe as a weapon, slow, standard HP and damage, drops a axe, found in logging bases and small towns.

classic zombie: very slow, high damage, can only be killed by a HEAD SHOT, drops good loot, found in big citys.

Edited by Pwnerdude

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Waaay too many different types. I wouldn't mind having fast zombies and slow zombies though.

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Let's keep the L4D stuff out of DayZ, if I want Arcade style stuff, I'll play that. This is supposed to be a "realism" style zombie game.

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Waaay too many different types. I wouldn't mind having fast zombies and slow zombies though.

I agree. Also I know the whole zombie apocalypse thing is fictitious, but those zombies you listed are a little too much for me. I however do agree that there needs to be more than just hobbling zombies and fast runners. but I would however like to see zombies that are a bit bigger, smaller. etc.. with a much more diverse health system making a lot of unique zombies. just like in real life all people are different, so zombies should be a little different too! But I totally understand why there isnt much diversity yet in zombies, but once we reach a standalone game im sure there will be a vast amount of different zombies, instead of just military and civilian zombies. like Police officers, doctors, nurses, and a list of professions that would go on forever, since there is a fair amount of buildings in the game right now that could use more profession oriented zombies.

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Runner: fast as hell but has low HP, found all over Dayz.

walker: walks but has standard HP, found all over dayz.

Titan: a boss zombie, high heath, does lots of damage per hit, drops awsome loot, found in big citys and millitary bases like NW air field.

Siren: mini boss, can't attack, higher than normal heath, has summoning ability that calls in more zombies, found in big citys.

L4D boomer: starndard speed, low heath, when killed it explodes, found in large towns, big citys and millitary bases.

Irraddiated zombie: standard HP and speed, can poison player, found in nuke power plants.

Fat zombie: slow, standard attack, higher than normal HP, found all over Dayz.

Gun nut: half infected human that uses M1911, low heath, drops M1911 and Ammo, found in big towns and millitary bases.

Leaper:mini boss, fast, standard heath, has jump attack, drops good loot, found in big citys.

Kid zombie: very fast, dies in one hit, standard damage, found all over dayz.

Axe zombie: uses an axe as a weapon, slow, standard HP and damage, drops a axe, found in logging bases and small towns.

classic zombie: very slow, high damage, can only be killed by a HEAD SHOT, drops good loot, found in big citys.

I dont know why most people just outright say no without at least thinking about things, one of the many things wrong with society nowadays.

its a suggestion, we can help construct or destruct it, a flat out "no" helps no one.

I think the zombie system in place right now is fine.

a little more variety would be a nice change however I would only agree on maybe adding variety in the sense of

kid zombies, female zombies (not sirens just walkers that are female)

if you want boss zombies etc then stick to L4D.

IMO the back story for dayz would have to develop first for any "irregular" zombies to be a possibility

i would agree with irradiated zombies, but there are no nuke plants in cherno right now so i dont see that being a possibility. also if they were added, a player would come under serious threat walking in a radiated zone anyway.

people talk about wanting realism in this game, sure boomers and titans would ruin the realism, but kids and wives and a few fat zombies wouldn't.

providing there are no special benefits to being a fat zombie or kid zombie.

i would like to see the variety which would most definitly come in, but in the standalone phase...im getting tired of being chased by jamie hyneman all day

Edited by Camper-joe

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I'm assuming there will be different stages of zombies but I really don't know. I think the only option we have is to wait and see where rocket wants to go with it because I'm pretty sure he has his own ideas on the subject. Right now we are only fighting 'infected' humans.

Highly doubt we'll ever see anything similar to L4D.

Edited by LunaTiK

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nah i think there are some good ideas. However i think the harder the zombies or more powerful, the less value loot they drop. othersise you will see people sitting at the NW AF farming these zombies with a 50 cal. they have their mate going out and collecting al the loot. then hackers can teleport in straight to these guys doing the hard work and kill them.

they need to do something like increase all the zombies again and making them harder to kill. I mean how many people have died from a zombie and how many by a player. its a zombie appocolyps not a player apocolyps. btw i cant spell

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No. Just no. Its dayz not resident evil.

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I dont know why most people just outright say no without at least thinking about things, one of the many things wrong with society nowadays.

This kind of thread pops up all the time.

People are sick of responding to the same post (virtualy) over and over.

Perhaps the OP should do a simple search before posting what they believe is a 'ground breaking idea'

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the zombies aint that easy to kill m8, try to kill them on a laggy server XD

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I prefer classic zombies, not such bestiary list made in Dead Frontier or some "asian" type. Simple zombies, but in LARGE number, where you have problems to run from them not because they are fast only because is them so many. And this motivate players to organize in random groups to get simple beans. This is survival challange, for now game looks like player deadmatch and zombies are not a problem.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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