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New Zombie [ghost]

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Hello Community,

I just had a great idea, which would make the atmosphere in the "zone" more scarier.

What about a new zombie type?? I thought about a ghost like zombie which is almost invisible to players and hard to see, if a player is near one of those there should be very strange and scary sounds be added, and maybe some blurred effect to make evrything more scary...

The "ghost" only should be in the woods in a really low numbers, so players will maybe find one of them in about 1 week playing.

About the damage, that monster should just do as much damage as the other zombies. the only point of that thing should be to add more atmosphere and making players be afraid to walk trough woods, especially at night.

If this will ever be accepted by the team, the new zombie unit really should not be shown in the changelog, so players won't expect those ghost :P

This post would maybe make some players feel the fear in the forests of Chernarus allready :D

that's it.


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There are other things that need more attention before we start doing things like this... Not now.

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Hummm... And how showld we kill it!? Or just call GhostBusters !??!

That, for me is too much SciFi/fantasy... Ghosts?.. Really?

At least a "zombie-fying" virus is belieavable/possible. (we allready have Alzheimer)

*No "lol" here

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I not like that idea. Zombie ghost and it's two different things

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Not a fan of this - thinking this mod is more about infected zeds rather than supernatural/undead zeds...

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well, it would be funny i think, i mean zombies are not real either, or you have seen any zombie in real life? :D

i just think it would be a good way to make the game more scarier, and the zombie should just be hard to see, not totally invisible.

well, it was just an idea :P

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I would prefer a fat zombie (realistic) that wobbled up to you (in a fast and believable manner) and puked on you which screwed your vision up. That would be a total WTF! moment, drink/use water to resolve the issue faster even.

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PRiME, that is an awesome idea.

hilarious,believable, scary, and outside the box.

However there would have to be a "puke gun/nade" created and a puke firing animation created.

That content creation itself will be a hilarious adventure for the mod team.

P.S. Not big fan of expanding the supernatural end times frightnight scenario, I do not want to end up playing a True Blood game with werewolves, fairies, ghosts, vampires and any other random supernatural entity Rocket and the mods seem to get any ideas on from suggestions.

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Wait...you mean the boomer from L4D?

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What about a new zombie type?? I thought about a ghost like zombie which is almost invisible to players and hard to see' date=' if a player is near one of those there should be very strange and scary sounds be added, and maybe some blurred effect to make evrything more scary...


So, you essentially want the bloodsucker from Stalker?

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This is not fantastic Chernobyl from Stalker. This mod is based on a story about a virus infecting the territory, which made zombies from people. It's like in "28 days later" movie. Please, do not drag in here garbage like fantastic invisible zombies, anomalies and other stuff.

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mh okay, btw. the fat zombie sounds good, but i can't imagine how a "puke" animation would look like in arma2. loool

lets stop talking about my old idea you guys are propably right. i played too much STALKER

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i don't like the idea. invisible zombies... that's too far apart in my opinion.

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I say absolutely not. It wouldn't be a game about zombies, it would be a game that is just poorly themed "scary"

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