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Script restriction #125 means what?

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Hey so someone has been kicked from our server due to battleye script restriction #125 after a quick gogle it seems to be caused by "cheat engine" Do you think this is good enough reason to ban a player from the server?

After i asked him if he had it installed on his computer, He confirmed it and said i dont know how to cheat in games but i had it to hack other game's..... (What a twat)

I hope battleye pick's this up, One more idiot on this game hopfully gone!

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Yes it would be good enough to ban him. With cheat engine, some people use it to inject scripts into the game. Some people manage to spawn vehicles,weapons for them selvs,etc.

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If he started up a cheat engine, I'd almost guarantee he'll get a global ban.

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I like the part where he said "i dont know how to cheat in games but i had it to hack other game's"


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