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intensity (DayZ)

Best Patch EVER

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Old? No no, there is no age to the phrase. It is merely fact.

Can you read? It is old when it becomes such a go-to phrase that people use it in situations where it doesn't apply. Of course Rocket can take the game in whatever direction he wants. Does anyone here honestly think that the direction he wants to take it in is severe artifacting everywhere? Absolutely not. So when someone makes the argument that artifacting is annoying/has been made worse and what the hell are the developers doing, "It's Rocket's game and he can do what he wants" is just stupid. Like I pointed out, people were able to make completely valid arguments that point out the stupidity of this thread. Don't turn DayZ into a community of fucktards with brainless responses.

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Oh, if I was a fucking moron I wouldn't have detected the sarcastic butthurt.

This is Rocket's mod; his idea. Don't like it? Fuck off.

So THAT'S what stupid looks like.

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Sucks to lose all your stuff to bugs or a hacker, but this is alpha and most recent patch is listed as use at your own risk so shit does happen. So far i've been lucky no glitches or spawning issues, minor thing with logging in with bandit skin only to have it change after 15mins but other than that smooth sailing.

As others have suggested send in a bug report.

I was going on 12 days alive.. When i notice guy in gillie suit tracking me, he shoots at me and i sprint away to try and find some cover to return fire, we engage and i unload full clip from my m4a1 cco into him at point blank range and it did nothing, he shot me once and i died. IMO Hacker for sure. Go back to try and find my corpse and its gone.

So i restart. In 4 hours of normal play i ended up have same if not better equipment, So much of it is luck, getting good loot to spawn or running into that bored player with end game gear that got sloppy and you hit the jack pot.

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Soo the objectives of this patch were to:

1) Fix the artifacting - FAILED! Worse than ever now :(

2) Improve load times - FAILED! Lots of people are now stuck at a loading screen forever :( Including me now. Oh well I suppose I shouldnt play video games on a saturday night!

3) And last but not least the extra special wonderful treat of relogging onto the coast every time. Or maybe this was a server hopping fix? Either which way SUPER FAIL!

I find it oddly entertaining how fail train this patch BETA is... lol we need to patch the patch beta until the real patch comes out for the alpha!


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Soo the objectives of this patch were to:

1) Fix the artifacting - FAILED! Worse than ever now :(

2) Improve load times - FAILED! Lots of people are now stuck at a loading screen forever :( Including me now. Oh well I suppose I shouldnt play video games on a saturday night!

3) And last but not least the extra special wonderful treat of relogging onto the coast every time. Or maybe this was a server hopping fix? Either which way SUPER FAIL!

I find it oddly entertaining how fail train this patch BETA is... lol we need to patch the patch beta until the real patch comes out for the alpha!


1.) Have not seen any graphic glitches at all.

2.) I load in hella fast now, 20 secs tops i am in.

3.) I spawn in exactly where i logged out.

Not sure why you are having so many problems, i have not seen any of those issues. Perhaps its way you loaded the patch or your settings i dunno.

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