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I tried this fix and no joy, next ?

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Hey I found this one that worked for me , oh bugger now I can't add the link, what a noob, any way he directed me to download dayzcommander, do the updates, version tab at top, check all the boxes on the left, hide this and that, leaves you with all the servers you can join and you launch by double clicking a server

left him my beans,

would have left him a beer if I could

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Kinda unrelated but browsing to my appdata folder reminded me of finding this a while back : Look in appdata\ArmA 2 OA\players and tell me what you see. I see files with player faces and sounds too?!!? They seem to be players I have come close to etc as I have noticed they are actual in game player names I have seen, some of them at least. Interesting....I must have had a few hackers near me as I see one folder with a jpg of a Halloween/Jason mask with blood all over it etc. WTF? :D

EDIT : SO I deleted the folder, and have yet to see anything else appear in it, BUT I have not encountered any players for a few days. I'm keeping the folder open when I play now to see if indeed a folder is created for that person's skin etc when they get within proximity. No idea what distance that would be, but it makes sense. I won't use this as a cheat even though I'm tempted but once I verify this...hmmm maybe I'll just keep it to myself lol.

Edited by Irenicus

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