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Starting on coast everytime I join a new server []

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When I logged on friday, the SixLauncher had an update for me. I updated and since then basically every time I log on to a new server I am back on the coast somewhere with all of my gear. Can anyone confirm if this is happening to everyone, just me, or is there anything I can do about it? It is rather annoying to get pushed back to the coast every time I join a new server.

I'm running

Is this issue fixed in Should I update manually?

Furthermore, why is it they always try to shove this shit out right before the weekend when everyone wants to play? Couldn't they have just waited to patch it on Tuesday or something.

Edited by Obsolescence

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Dont server hop?

Dont be an asshole? I ran into the same problem today. Logged in Berezino and got some lunch, came back 30 mins later to a different server and spawned in Elektro. I'm not a very happy camper right now, especially since I was on a mission :(

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Dont server hop?

Responses like this are why I had to bother creating my own thread. I haven't seen a helpful or informative response on this subject yet. Do you fundamentally misunderstand the situation as I described it, or are you just being cute? It would be rather dense of me to even attempt server hopping unless I wanted to amass tin cans from the cities, because a run to NWAFB for some choppers or barracks server hopping would be a 1-2 hour run in between lootings.

Do you have anything substantive to say about why this is occuring? Is it likely a client-side issue requiring a reinstall? Is it a server issue? A hive issue? Is there anything I can do about it like updating to

Or is this working as intended and this is just the way the game is supposed to be now?

Edited by Obsolescence
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Would just like to say im in same position.

Have you been to a near-death situation? This happened to me after i was recovered with 900 blood at the airfield, after the most intense gaming experience in my life i think :) 2 snipers at the airfield, and me and my 3 other mates arround trying to get in the barracks :)

We got out alive tho, thank god for bloodbags and all other medical stuffs, but this game is just intense when you are fully geared! :D

Oh back to topic.

I have same problem, so your not alone.

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Would just like to say im in same position.

Have you been to a near-death situation? This happened to me after i was recovered with 900 blood at the airfield, after the most intense gaming experience in my life i think :) 2 snipers at the airfield, and me and my 3 other mates arround trying to get in the barracks :)

We got out alive tho, thank god for bloodbags and all other medical stuffs, but this game is just intense when you are fully geared! :D

Oh back to topic.

I have same problem, so your not alone.

I was at 12000 blood before this began. Haven't been in a firefight of any sort since 8/9/2012 (Thursday). I was wondering if it had to do with the server build numbers, but I haven't tested that yet. I'd be happy to just die if I thought it would fix it.

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I ran into this today as well. Exact same situation as OP. I've been camping around the NWAF and exploring on US510 the past few days. I updated with 6U today to and when I logged back into the same server I logged out of, I was on the coast. Gear and stats were exactly as they were, I was just on the coast at Balota.

It does look like US510 is now running while I was logged out. Perhaps this caused it?


A little more info on this. I was using Six Updater to update - I opened the launcher, and a huge button on the left of the main window gives you the option to verify files. I did this, and it changed to "update". I then did this. Then it changed to launch. I assumed this meant I was running 2.5 but it was still stamped 2.4 at the top. I was able to log into some servers listed as 2.5, but had a number of issues doing so (the beach tele included).

Switched to DayZ Commander as a server/update manager, updated with that instead, no issues since.

2nd EDIT:

This is caused by killing the game process from task manager before the game has loaded, and after joining a server. So many people are seeing it because they frequently kill the process or alt+f4 due to the "eternal loading" bugs still present in 1.7.x Case closed! B)

Edited by Strain_Zero
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I have the exact same problem, made my stop playing this mod for a while, it's such a bloody hack heaven for the hackers, if not getting killed by a mass server execution or bunny slaughter by a shotgun it's this... Bloody teleportation that made me lose my Ghillie and an AS50, NVGs and all the top tier gear that I got LEGALLY, it's getting to a point that I could pay 100$ for the standalone version just so it could be playable...

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I saw this in Bugs report section.

snapback.pngNephireal, on 12 August 2012 - 07:55 AM, said:

Reddit post saying you need to go into your Arma2 profile/other profile folders in my documents and delete the game save folder that stores your single player progress. I tested this and confirm it works. Why does it work? Who know. o.O

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