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Respawn at the beach and gear loss

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I died on login also. I had been up by Gorka when I exited a week ago. I have been playing the Utes map for the last week, which are private and have not had this problem on the Utes map. So I exited the server that I had died on login. Signed on to another server and I was in the wilderness. Didnt look to see if I had my stuff. So exited again and went to another server and was at Kamenka with absolutely nothing in my inventory......NOTHING! Went to another server and still at Kamenka and no inventory. And naturally this was after having found my first heli crash site and getting a Fal, nvgs, plus I had just found my first coyote backpack also. I play solo and just scavenge as much as possible.

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Same thing happened to me again the other day. I thought this issue was fixed with and staying on the same server, but I guess not.

I was driving in a truck and the server restarted. I rejoin after it reboots and I find myself "dead" in the plain of nothing with no gear, relog and back at the beach again still have my ghuillie but nothing else. I went back to where I was when the server restarted...truck gone, no body to be found. Went back a bit farther in case there was a roll back, no truck no body.

Had my best gear ever too. Oh well I'm shelving this game until maybe the stand alone, we shall see.

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I have been having the same problem but not spawning and falling. When it first started my friends and I logged out in the woods. When I tried logging back in, I didn't even spawn. The server said that I was killed, and I spawned in the middle of some seemingly endless grass fields with none of my gear, but with the same health and food and water stats. I backed out and rejoined and appeared on the shore with the same stats and no gear.

And now after I try to get stuff back and log out, it seems like every time I connect to a server this happens. 3 times now. Its quite frustrating.

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At least for me, problem is solved:

Respawn/gear loss only happened when I started DayZ from scratch - when relogged from the lobby it never occurred.

It seemed to me that the character request to the server overlapped somehow with loading of the map/DayZ-files whatsoever.

Since - I have preloaded chernarus map by adding -world=Chernarus as launch parameter before connecting to the server - it never happened again.

Kind regards

Edited by Tropenzorro
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At least for me, problem is solved:

Respawn/gear loss only happened when I started DayZ from scratch - when relogged from the lobby it never occurred.

It seemed to me that the character request to the server overlapped somehow with loading of the map/DayZ-files whatsoever.

Since - I have preloaded chernarus map by adding -world=Chernarus as launch parameter before connecting to the server - it never happened again.

Kind regards

Maybe a little premature, but since then, no respawn anymore. Many thanks!

Edited by arZak

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happened to me once yesterday, and once just now...logging in ending up at the shore with nothing on...not even a single bandange -.-

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Hey, logged out of a server, logged in on another.. "choose gender", i was dead. Did it again in a grass area, could log out log in like 3 times, then at the fourth time : "choose gender". :/

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