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Respawn at the beach and gear loss

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Date/Time: 11/08/2012 between 21:30 and 22:00(GMT)

What happened: I connected. But as soon as I appeared, I saw my character fall with a broken leg, a death message appeared and I got teleported at a great open space with no gear. I already had experienced this, so I disconnected/reconnected. I reappeared at the beach, but all my gear was gone.

The weird thing is that I didn't lose my ghillie, nor appear to be truly dead, as my stats didn't get reset. I join some screenchosts where you can see my stats, my empty inventory and my leg with a ghillie suit on it.



Where you were: SW of Lopatino.

What you were doing: : The last time I disconnected, I just came came back from a player camp. This camp was really well-geared but did seem legit as there weren't 50 telemeter or cheated weapon. I Just completed my collection of utility items by taking a JVN, telemeter and GPS and choosed a L85A2 AWS to defend myself. Once my little shopping sceance was done, I walked away and disconnected when I was far enough of the camp.

Current installed version:


Arma 2 : 95883

Server(s) you were on: DE25

The loss of gear isn't important (but if I can take it back, i wouldn't say no ;) ). I just want to know if my character is broken in any way in the hive. The respawn problem wasn't the very first time, only the gear loss is new to me, and I'm a bit affraid.

EDIT: It seems that the problem have been acknowledged and that it is the type of bug that can only be fixed with a new patch, or hive reorganization (http://dayzmod.com/f...460#entry798061).

EDIT2: The issue is on dev-heaven. Just vote to have rocket's attention.

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Edited by Mouchoirsky
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Go back to the place you logged out. You'll find your corpse and the gear there, if not too much time has passed/you dced again.

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The *Exact* same thing happened to me on US 1220. Spawn in remote location, immediate broken leg/death message. Teleported to empty plains. Disconnect/reconnect and I am stripped of everything and at the beach.

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Same problem happend to me today on de 848.... have only gilla suit 10k blood and the kills i had befor. My body is on the other side of the map.... no way i will reach it in time befor somebody see it :(

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I'm also getting spawned at the coast after a long period of being offline. I still keep all my gear though but I'm stuck with the "hero" skin and lugging around an AS50. It kind of ruins the game being up north then spawning in at Otmel or Kamenka the next day.

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This happened to a friend of mine as well. I hope this bug report gets escalated because it's very disconcerting to snag some impressive gear then have it disappear

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Same here. Third time, actually. Matches every single description of the bug mentioned by you all. I managed to run 40 minutes north (all the three times) to get to my body, but now (after finding it for the third time) I'm a little bit afraid to log on.

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Yup keeps happening to me like crazy, i can't eve log off for 30 minutes to go eat, i get respawned at some beach... think i may go back to No gear loss... yet...

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Same happened to me, and now the server where i "died" is locked :( ... damn damn damn..and damn again

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I've had the same problem twice now also happened to me when i ran into a friend, just dropped to the floor broken everything and lost 12k blood :S

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Happened to me twice today....... log on, and I'm dead. Spawn on coast with the same debug monitor as I had before, but no items. Not even a starter pack. This happened on two different servers also.

I'm guessing it's a hive issue.

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they better get there fucking shit together, ive spawned 12 times now back at the coast after running inland, i got enough sweet gear that i dont want to be anywhere near the coast, let alone just leave me the fuck where i logged out... got 2 servers with 2 different camps and id like to be able to switch servers without neeting to run 10k all over again

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Happening to me as well :( (Since I've updated my game to / 95948).

I don't lose my gear but get spawed at the beach. It Happens 2 or 3 times a day on all kinds of servers.

There is really no point of walking towards something/ "objective" because of this..

(funny status message "On the Coast")

Edited by BVG

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I haven't played since then because I don't want to make the things worse. I wish there is an official word on this bug to establish if they (or don't) know the source of the bug, if our character is broken in the main db, if there is a way to fix it, etc.

Even if the bug fix implies my character death, I don't give a fudge., I WANNA PLAY DAMMIT.

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all i want to do is play, but i can't because of this shit. i wouldnt even care if in order to fix it i had to delete all my charecters, i just want to play the damn game

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Happening to me as well :( (Since I've updated my game to / 95948).

I don't lose my gear but get spawed at the beach. It Happens 2 or 3 times a day on all kinds of servers.

There is really no point of walking towards something/ "objective" because of this..

(funny status message "On the Coast")

This was happening to me before I updated to yesterday. I think it was because I was alt/tabing out because I was stuck on a loading screen. I'd take this over the insta-death upon loading any day..... It's a long run to get my gear back. lol

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well, just lost my first ever AS50 and other gear after spawning into a server and someone must have been sat there waiting with a sniper rifle because i was dead in about 1 second flat :( not gonna play till i hear confiirmation that this issue is sorted out.

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Same thing has happened to me twice now, ported to plain of nothingness, broken leg "Dr. Dante has been killed" message then relog again and spawn at coast alive with nothing, not even starter gear and retaining all my stats. This is becoming tiresome.

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Yea this has happened to me twice now over the past few days. I spawn where I logged out at, then instantly die and appear in debug area. Log out, log back in and im on the coast somewhere completly wiped. Can we get a hot fix for this?

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I'm getting this problem, but I retain all my gear.

It's happening in for me too! :(

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This has now happened to me twice in two days and on different servers. I hope it gets fixed soon.

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happened to me too. my body was still there and my friends could recover my gear. but then it happened to a friend too. and we couldn't see his body.

Current installed version:


Arma 2 : 95883

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