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I have no sound when playing DayZ.

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Hello, I don't have any sound anymore when I play this game.. It happened yesterday and I have no idea what caused it..

Well I do have sound but it's really really really low. Even when on highest volume it's super quiet.

I've tried uninstalling Arma 2 files + arrowhead. I've also tried removing the DayZ files and installing it again.. That didn't work either.

Has any1 else had this problem?

If you know anything about this, please say so, would be really appreciated!

EDIT:It's fine on Arrowhead vanilla but not the DayZ mod itself.. And I'm pretty sure it aint cause I have low blood, cause I dont :).

Edited by camperJM

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Yes I had this issue.

I updated my drivers, DirectX, checked cables, verified data integrity - the whole 9 yards.

You know what fixed this bitch?

I had to re-download Operation Arrowhead - your sound should still be working on Vanilla ARMA2

Hope it helps... somewhat

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Sometimes taking damage can cause the sound to go out. It usually comes back once your blood has been restored. Outside of that, I don't know.

Moving the thread so the troubleshooting guys can help you.

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Yes I had this issue.

I updated my drivers, DirectX, checked cables, verified data integrity - the whole 9 yards.

You know what fixed this bitch?

I had to re-download Operation Arrowhead - your sound should still be working on Vanilla ARMA2

Hope it helps... somewhat

I tried all that but it still isn't working :/... Operation arrowhead works just fine but not DayZ :/.

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I made an account just now because I am having the exact same problem. I have tried EVERYTHING posted her and then some in an attempt to fix it. I have sound working perfectly in all other games

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