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Petition to Boycott Standalone (until hacking is resolved)

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I'm sure if you did your research on how people hack this game, you would understand that it's basically an impossible concept to eliminate all hacking from Day Z as it stands now.

The engine is based off of scripts. And it wasn't designed to counter very much hacking. Watch a youtube video on how easy it is to do whatever you want in this game, and then go back and read your original post. I highly doubt the standalone version of this game will be based off such a script heavy engine, that was designed to be modded. (picture hacks as just... extra mods, and it makes more sense)

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The irony of boycotting probably one of the largest anti-hacking milestones of this product is not lost on you I hope.

nailed it.

OP literally has no idea what he's talking about.

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Also they can drum the standalone propaganda as much as they want, the reality shows they don't care or know what they're doing. The rcon / admin password is still in plain text in a file rather than hashed, the logs do not have a complete date to them and just a time, the time is in game time that is being easily manipulated by cheaters... yea, right, standalone will somehow fix how "security" is dealt with in dayz.

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This is like saying "I'm boycotting bicycles because the wheel has gotten people hurt in the past!"

OP is a re-tard.

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I'm sure if you did your research on how people hack this game, you would understand that it's basically an impossible concept to eliminate all hacking from Day Z as it stands now.

The engine is based off of scripts. And it wasn't designed to counter very much hacking. Watch a youtube video on how easy it is to do whatever you want in this game, and then go back and read your original post. I highly doubt the standalone version of this game will be based off such a script heavy engine, that was designed to be modded. (picture hacks as just... extra mods, and it makes more sense)

I highly disagree. I know how the game works, how the executable works, what and what not does BattlEye do, and how signatures work. The scripting is not the problem, the problem is that the server does not care about what's going on at all, is happy to swallow everything, and neither the game nor the mod care about where suddenly theres another car in the vehicle list when by design it shouldn't be there. You don't need a standalone client to check for that, or other object spawns, or people teleporting around when there are very well defined points for that, or how even after months theres still people running around with vegetation and trees disabled. Which has nothing to do with scripts, and there's no valid reason to abandon the current project to its ugly fate.

I have been more than tempted to develop unofficial server policing tools at binary and scripting level. But then is it really worth to invest time and effort to play catch against the cheaters, the game devs and BE?

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l0p - Just to address some of your numerous comments about the standalone client.

I don't think anyone is promising the game will be 100% hack free. What you're not taking into account is the level of trust in the server/client model for the scripting side of things. Before DayZ Arma2 was a niche game for a specific, mostly co-op audience. As there were complex scripts, mods and missions running a lot of trust was put into the client to generally always do what it was told with the assumption that the other person/people executing scripts could be trusted.

DayZ standalone would have a different model where it would check what it was being told and throw out crap like spawning weapons or teleporting players.

Arma2 could be changed, but the years of Arma2 content would be broken overnight. This is why BIS is making DayZ Standalone rather than piss off the rest of their Arma playing community.

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Stupidest fucking idea ever. How can you boycott something that isn't even finished? This is an ALPHA! Battleye is just being rebuilt and updated to fight hackers! The standalone version will be so much better than it is now. The game was originally made to only host one server, and it has made great progress trying to give over A MILLION players a chance to test out the game.

Every game has hackers, why don't you boycott those instead? At least in ***ers are understandable. It's using an outdated shitty anti hack system and it's a game that's only a third of the way finished.

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I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking. BI is the one that stands to profit from the standalone.

And they are doing this.... With the standalone. Arma II was designed to allow custom scripts. vehicle spawning etc. Its code is completely open. To change that they would need to lock the code which would ruin Arma for the Arma players... So instead they will make a new game for DayZ. do some research please next time before making hasty accusations.

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Stand alone IS the solution to hacking. If you had read practically any post by rocket on this matter you'd know the situation.

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I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking.

Which is exactly what they're doing.

By making a stand-alone version of the game.

Every single poster in this thread has explained it to you, how many times is it going to take for it to sink in?

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That's a lot of signatures you got there...

This could be the most fail petition in the history of petitions.

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How does the standalone change the picture? Because then Rocket has access to the core program? BI has that access now.

I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking. BI is the one that stands to profit from the standalone.

Yes, but BI make Arma, not DayZ.

Arma needs the ability to run scripts for people to edit their own missions. BI will not, and should not have to, change this for DayZ. That's why it's going standalone.

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How does the standalone change the picture? Because then Rocket has access to the core program? BI has that access now.

I understand that Rocket can't make the changes, but Rocket isn't funding himself to make the standalone. BI has the access, BI put him in charge of the standalone, BI can fix the hacking. BI is the one that stands to profit from the standalone.

Standalone changes the picture because to combat the hacking, scripts will be removed from the engine on standalone.... something that Bohemia will NEVER do, because Arma 2 isn't just for DayZ, and multitudes of other mods rely on scripts as well as game modes to be played. Bohemia honestly doesn't care about your money OP, they'd still make a fuck ton of money if they didn't sell Arma at all, as they have Government contracts for their engine that more then makes up the cost of development.

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I don't think anyone is promising the game will be 100% hack free. What you're not taking into account is the level of trust in the server/client model for the scripting side of things. Before DayZ Arma2 was a niche game for a specific, mostly co-op audience. As there were complex scripts, mods and missions running a lot of trust was put into the client to generally always do what it was told with the assumption that the other person/people executing scripts could be trusted.

DayZ standalone would have a different model where it would check what it was being told and throw out crap like spawning weapons or teleporting players.

Arma2 could be changed, but the years of Arma2 content would be broken overnight. This is why BIS is making DayZ Standalone rather than piss off the rest of their Arma playing community.

Arma2 could be changed so that it does not break everything and that only mods that request it are put in a sort of sandbox. Tthe reality probably is that they do not want to invest in developing functionality for an old client more than necessary. Ok, nothing we can do about that but lets not make it a technical issue because it is most likely not. The standalone, at any rate, client will suffer from the same basic problem .5 has aggravated. Once someone cheats he has gone tough the technical barriers and the only thing left is admin intervention.

If dayz mod is going to be abandoned in development at least they could give us ways to detect and fight cheaters until the jesus client is out. Abandoning development in favour of a standalone and at the same time cutting the hands and gouging the eyes of people who try to keep scum away is Wrong. Who is going to be the first to relabel cheating programs as admin progarms and sell them for 15 bucks? Why do we need to resort to that? And why is development abandoned when there's things that could be done to make life of players and admins better until jesus client arrives?

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but rather to leverage my power as a consumer

Maybe it's just my time with BF3, but did anybody else laugh uncontrollably when they read this?

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