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Hackers Caught on Film

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yes i know that this belongs in the Cheating report, but I am posting this on the General for everyone to watch out for their names.

***John Elway


Hoping to get these guys banned for being sh*theads

Please watch the FULL video before passing judgement on how "they are not hacking"

This was on Dallas 1953 I believe.

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Just died at the hands of a hacker...again. I die more from hackers than other players. Yesterday, there was a person in Elektro with a pistol that was shooting rockets.

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I feel you're pain buddy. That's all I have been dying from the past 2 weeks. Hopefully this gets these 2 assholes globally banned.

2 less hackers to worry about.

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DIngus may i ask why? i posted it here to make sure that if anyone runs across these fellows that they have a fighting chance to get out the server because they have that weird call for fire hack + god mode

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That is just sad to watch hackers (or skiddies) raping everybody so freely and I bet absolutely nothing will be done to those guys by anyone. Eventually it comes down to become hacker or get hacked, at which point the game will just become a massive hacking clusterfuck.

Edited by Rocu

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I must be lucky to have never encountered a hacker so far.

You must. We either get killed every night by them, or teleported way into the NW of the map and happen to abort in time. Then we have to travel 10000 meters back to our location to the next day. If we don't spend our time gearing up and traveling due to hackers, I don't know what we would do. We encounter invisible ones, ones that tele-port, ones who instant kill the server, ones that have God mode on. You name it man, every damn night of gaming is ruined.

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Some hacker was driving a freight train around yesterday and gave me a ride xD

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Was this the server where there were parachuting buses from the sky and the invisible guy killed you in the church? I forgot, so many hackers.

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Only BattleEye has the authority to ban people, no? Admins can't because they risk getting blacklisted.

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If I was an admin, I would be banning these suckers left and right, blacklist or not. Can't DayZ devs ban them from the HIVE?

Edited by thunderpimp

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It really is fruitless. These idiots need to be hardware banned to the fullest extent. I was watching a video on youtube of the VIP hack that s0beit released, along with a guy named waut's scripts. Theres a screenshot in the video of the vip forum where they download the hack from, and guess what one of the links are? "Arma II OA CD Keys: $5 bucks". So, get get globally banned and then spend $5 to continue hacking within an hour.

There's literally nothing that can be done unless server admins are given the go ahead to police their own servers. That's besides having the stand-alone released, anyway. I mean, who doesn't have 5 dollars?

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